中国芯片排名第一ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:14 19
TOP1, Unigroup GroupUnigroup Group was established by Tsinghua Unigroup Corporation, mainly focusing on the field of IT services, mainly to create from the \"cloud - network - end\...

China's next 10 chip companies?

TOP1, Unigroup Group

Unigroup Group was established by Tsinghua Unigroup Corporation, mainly focusing on the field of IT services, mainly to create from the \"cloud - network - end\" industrial chain, is currently China's largest comprehensive integrated circuit enterprises, IT services in the world's second ranking, but also China's top ten chip enterprises first, can provide large customers with information needs to provide very complete IT services.

TOP2, Huawei hisilicon

Hisilicon Semiconductor is a semiconductor company founded in 2004 and headquartered in Shenzhen. Hisilicon products include wireless networks, digital media, fixed network and other fields of chips and solutions, the current face of the United States suppression, Hisilicon president said that long ago made the assumption of the limit of survival, the current company to create memory chips can all turn positive.