m2芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:10 24
The number of transistors is different, the gpu is different.The difference between Apple's m2 chip and m1 chip is the number of transistors. The m2 chip also contains 20 billion t...

What is the difference between flat m2 chip and m1 chip?

The number of transistors is different, the gpu is different.

The difference between Apple's m2 chip and m1 chip is the number of transistors. The m2 chip also contains 20 billion transistors, 25 percent more than the 16 billion transistors on the m1 chip. Second, Apple has greatly promoted the gpu on the m2 chip. It has a 10-core gpu, two more cores than the m1 chip. The graphics capabilities of the new 10-core gpu are 35% higher than those of the m1.