Shilanwei (600460 : The MCU chips produced are widely used in photovoltaic inverters, industrial inverters, electric vehicles, textile machinery and many other fields, and it is n...

Car level mcu chip domestic leader?

Shilanwei (600460) : The MCU chips produced are widely used in photovoltaic inverters, industrial inverters, electric vehicles, textile machinery and many other fields, and it is now the industry leader in mastering core technology in China, with a sharp rise in sales.

Zhaoyi Innovation (603986) : The domestic flash memory chip giant, the global market share of NORFlash reached 6%, began to lay out MCU chips in 2011, is currently China's largest MCU chip manufacturing enterprise. Due to the global chip shortage, revenue has risen sharply, product performance and price are highly competitive in the industry, and the production of 32-bit general MCU chips is expected to eat the dividend of MCU localization, the research and development level is leading in the industry, and signed customers have exceeded 20,000. The outbreak of the company's MCU business has achieved a skyrocketing net profit, and the new risc-V core MCU is launched again in 2019, and the production of car-level MCU begins again in 2020, which is the MCU chip leader.

Xinyuan Chip Company is the domestic leader of mcu chip

MCU proposed by Intel, also known as microcontroller or single chip microcomputer, its main function is to achieve terminal control. It has been widely used in many fields, and it has the characteristics of high performance, low power consumption and high flexibility