麒麟芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:06 25
The current Samsung Orion processor is better than the Huawei Kirin processor.2020 is the time for Huawei's chip to stop research and development, and it is also the time for the p...

Samsung and Kirin chip which good?

The current Samsung Orion processor is better than the Huawei Kirin processor.

2020 is the time for Huawei's chip to stop research and development, and it is also the time for the processor to stop, while Samsung has been developing without any stop. Similar to the tortoise and hare race, standing still and resting is sure to fall behind! In particular, the replacement time of the chip industry is very fast, and it is only a matter of time to surpass Kirin! Moreover, the Samsung Orion processor has surpassed the performance score of the Kirin processor.

Samsung chips are better.

To say that the Kirin chip developed by Huawei and Samsung chip which performance is stronger, from the perspective of various comparative data, Samsung still has certain advantages, but Huawei Kirin chip after recent years of honing and continuous improvement, also occupies a not low position in the market.

Huawei has continuously overcome chip problems and has successfully opened up the technical channel.