ichaiyang 2024-05-09 16:46 50
下:1.2 em;填充:0 px;max-width: 100%;颜色:rgb(51,51,51 ;font-family:宋体;字体大小:16 px;text-align:证明;文本绕排:包装;背景色:rgb(255,255,255 Finally contact and service target customers. It is important...

Chip end customer phone

下:1.2 em;填充:0 px;max-width: 100%;颜色:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:宋体;字体大小:16 px;text-align:证明;文本绕排:包装;背景色:rgb(255,255,255)Finally contact and service target customers. It is important to note that the end user refers to the direct user of the product, not the purchaser. For example, if A buys something for her own use, then A is the end customer. But if you buy it for B, B is the end customer.