绿联无线充断ichaiyang 2024-05-09 8:32 24
Check data interface First of all, confirm whether there is a problem with the data cable, and then when connecting to the computer to power up, put the mobile hard di...

Can't the green link hard drive box be read on the computer?

Check data interface

    First of all, confirm whether there is a problem with the data cable, and then when connecting to the computer to power up, put the mobile hard disk in your hand and feel whether there is vibration. If there are no exceptions, remove them one by one as follows.

1. Connect the cable of the mobile hard disk to the USB jack on the back of the chassis

2. Change the data cable with two USB plugs to the USB jack behind the chassis

3, add a mobile hard disk external power supply try

4. Check whether this disk exists in disk management. If yes, format it.

5, if the computer is not recognized, it is possible that a chip on the mobile hard disk is broken, then it needs to be sent to a professional repair shop for repair.

Hard disk installation hard disk box can not read out of the solution.

The solution is as follows:

First, whether the connection line is good, change a line to try.

Two, the interface is not firmly inserted.

Three, the hard disk box vibration inside the hard disk interface is loose.

Fourth, there may be insufficient power supply, you can connect the double-headed side of the cable to two USB ports to try.

The above is about the solution that the new hard disk can not be read out of the hard disk box, and you can refer to the above method to deal with the same problem.

The hard disk itself may be faulty, or the cables and interfaces may be faulty, or the hard disk box may be faulty