Jin Junwu see Sun Shaoan, just surprised to find that the former captain has been tortured by the collapse of the brick field. The young man's tall body fell down like his father's...

Open the book to help the ordinary world twenty-third time?

Jin Junwu see Sun Shaoan, just surprised to find that the former captain has been tortured by the collapse of the brick field. The young man's tall body fell down like his father's, his face was haggard and thin, his eyes were stained with feces, and his voice was hoarse.

Junwu comforted him first. In spite of his sincerity, his words were vague. He knows that a few words of comfort can not solve the problem of less security, if less security is lacking in food, then he Jin Junwu has the ability to help the young friend. Sun Shaoan although the mood is bad to the extreme, but he can not refuse Junwu's request. He promised to go to his second father the same day.

Ha ah, this Sun Yuting really become a character! As soon as he had driven out one of the good men of Shuangshui Village, another came and begged him to come.

Yu Ting's back is really hard. He smoked a small cigarette, holding the board to listen to his nephew to say good things to him.

'I disagree! That's it! Don't give me any more rice soup!\" Sun Yuting very boldness interrupted little an words. If not long ago, when Shaoan was flourishing, he would never have dared to be so blunt to his nephew - at that time he wanted something from his nephew. But right now, you're not even as good as me! I am poor? I'm not in debt!

You got a bunch of debts up your ass. How can you teach me? \"You can no longer intercede for the boy Jin Junmu! You can't even pick up your own defecation, so let's not talk about anything else, but we're still waiting for your mother's 40 bucks! You'd better give us the money before you worry about the world around you!\"

Sun Yuting seemed to speak with the air of a creditor to his previously feared nephew.

Sun Shaoan angry lips shivered. He did not expect that even the incompetent second father did not take him seriously.

Alas, perhaps in the eyes of all people, he has been determined that Sun Shaoan can no longer climb up in this life. Since this is the case, what need do people have to respect a person who is weak in life?

Sun Shaoan a look he didnt have the ability to convince Zhang crazy two dad, had to calm face from the broken walls of the courtyard. He was swallowing and spitting uncomfortably, and the knots in his throat were slipping up and down. He did not care about the two father's overly harsh words, but more for his own situation sad. Alas, he Sun Shaoan has no power to bind a chicken now! Little an under the two father's small soil slope, halfway just met Sun Weihong carrying water. He stopped his sister and asked her about her own attitude towards his marriage. Wei Hong very assertive to tell big brother, she is determined to marry and Jin Qiang.

Sun Shaoan was greatly moved. He had never thought that a person like his two parents would give birth to such a good baby. Less an feel, Wei Hong sister in the bone has the kind of hard strength of the Sun home.

He then gave his sister advice and said, \"This is your own business, no matter what attitude your father and mother are, as long as you are determined, you will act according to your ideas!\" You know, marriage is free, and no one can stop you!\"

Wei Hong wipe away the tears of the corner of his eyes, seriously nodded to the big brother. Sun Shaoan walked out of Tianjiagelao, crossed the Dongla River, and went directly to Jinjiawan to report to Junwu that his efforts had been fruitless.

So the family affair was put on hold... Shortly after the winter solstice, a few days before the end of the year 1982 in the Gregorian calendar, the first snow fell on the Loess Plateau with the arrival of a massive cold snap in Siberia. It snowed for one day and two nights, and the land and the village were all covered with thick snow. The fields were silent, with no animals or birds. Every house is closed, only a column of heavy, dull smoke rises from the chimney of the kiln roof. Wild dogs ran across the snow with their blood-red tongues and white mist blowing from their mouths. Sparrows with nowhere to find food crowded under the eaves of the kiln, hungry and chirping...

On that wintry morning when the snow had stopped, when the village people went out, they saw Jin Junwu and his nephew Jin Qiang, with red strips of cloth hanging on the buttons of their black cotton-padded jackets, coming from the snowy temple Ping. Whether they met adults or dolls, they fell on their knees and bowed on one end. Looking at the north head of Jinjia Bay, people saw a white age paper inserted on the wall of Junwu's home.

All the people immediately understood: is the old lady Gold died!

The death of old Lady Jin means that a generation in this ancient village is about to disappear for the last time. Pull the finger and calculate, that one crop of people, now only Sun Yuhou's old mother.

Whatever the misdeeds of the old lady's descendants, she herself and Mr. King, who had been dead for many years, were always held in ordinary respect. Their good deeds have even been confirmed by the whole Dongla River basin.

Therefore, every family in Shuangshui Village has expressed sincere condolences for the death of the old lady. People rushed to hit the tomb; I'd like to help the Kings with the funeral.

The villagers who helped, the people on the door of the old lady's family, and other relatives of the Jin family, all poured into Jin Junwu's yard. Of course, Jinjiawan this surname Jin family, all become people in trouble.

Junwu's place is too small, two of them are full of grain; His brother's two-hole kiln was shut down by the public Security Bureau again. Therefore, many of the details of the funeral had to be scattered throughout Jinjiawan. Kim Joon-san and his son were hired as the head chef. Junshan proficient in local customs rules, do a variety of arrangements; His son Jin Cheng kept the account.

Jin Junwu decided without hesitation that he would bury his mother according to the highest customs in the countryside, and that the family had become so unlucky that his mother's funeral must be grand; Let the world see that the Jin family is still prosperous!

Needless to say, the entire King family were guests; Each family of foreigners will also invite one person to the table. This is tantamount to feeding and drinking the whole village. Not afraid, he has plenty of food!

Many families in this side of Jinjiawan are milling rice for old lady Jin's funeral. In the yard of Guanghui's home, five or six people were killing pigs and sheep. Mr. Yin and Yang, invited from the town of rice, is making paper fire at Jin Junhai home. Jin Bo's mother was busy serving the \"holy man\" five times a day, and their kang and box LIDS were filled with paper houses, yards, mills, flags for lessons, prayer flags, and virgins.

At the same time, at the ancestral grave of the Jin family, the tomb raiders dug up Mr. Jin's grave and put Mr. Jin's bones into a small wooden coffin, ready to be buried with the old woman.

After the old lady put on seven or eight silk shrouding, she entered the openwork cypress wood coffin made in the early years.

The coffin lay in a shelter set up in the courtyard. The lamp was removed from the house and placed in front of the coffin. The table was covered with fruit and a whole pig, white and fat, and a live rooster tied melon seeds and placed them on top of the coffin.

On benches on either side of the coffin, members of the woman's immediate family took turns sitting at the wake. Mourners poured in. After a while, a group of relatives came in turn, kneeling in front of the funeral shed singing and crying, but the real tears were a few people. Crying the most sad is the eldest daughter-in-law Zhang Guilan - she mostly to cry their fate.

The villagers who came to pay their respects just sent incense and burned paper; Many small kneel and bow two heads.

The day before the burial, relatives, the entire Jin family of adults and children, and all invited guests, from morning to night have been taking turns to eat two indispensable meals. The first meal was a cautery cake; The second meal is \"eight bowls\" and shochu. The cave houses of the three Jinguang brothers next door were full of feasts.

In the afternoon, the hired band of trumpeters came, and after entering the village, they first fired a cannon. All the filial sons went to the village to kneel down to meet the five happy men in flowered and torn cotton-padded jackets.

As night falls, the grand lighting ceremony begins. In front of the drummer leading the way, the filial children are all dressed in white filial clothes, wearing white filial hats, and leaning on the wailing stick, the true and false crying sounds are one; They followed the drummer, came out of the gate of Jin Junwu's house, and walked along the path by the weeping Pharynx River to the ancestral grave of the Jin family. Many people hold a lamp made of white flour in their hands, and after walking for a while, they will put a lamp on the snow on the right side, and throw paper money freely. When returning, the side lights are set aside at intervals to the other side of the road. At night, the street lights on the snow are twinkling like fireflies, and their positions are spectacular. The old people in Shuangshui Village talked admiringly and lamented: Old lady Jin gave birth to a really filial son, and how decent the funeral was!

The next day before the funeral, and carried out the famous \"swim food on the sacrifice\" ceremony. All the men and women filial sons, hand on mourning sticks, wearing mourning in front of the old lady interval according to the number of kneels into a square. The villagers, still led by the drummer, followed by two three-fingered fruit trays, walked around the square of filial sons. Pallet man field five and a team of original accountant Tian Pingwa. The two men, holding a tray in their left hand and a white towel in their right hand, walked lightly with the general pace of a yangge dance, as if they were performing a program. Next comes \"business talk\". Generally speaking, this is the most fearful of filial children. This actually means that the old man can not be successfully buried.

The so-called \"business language\" means that the people of the deceased's family interrogate whether the filial children were dutiful to the old woman before her death. Or was her funeral handled with care? At this time, the person who comes to the door of the deceased's mother's house, even if it is a three-year-old doll, is an authority figure in front of the filial son, like the royal family of the constitutional monarchy, sacred and inviolable. If any of them get in the way, the filial sons will not be able to put the old man in the ground!

Now, Junwu's two 70-year-old uncles sit cross-legged at the end of the kang, and behind them are other younger \"royals,\" each of whom can't help but pose high above the others.

Kim Joon-moo knelt on the ground under the kang. Behind him knelt his wife, Li Yuling, and his sister-in-law, Zhang Guilan. Press down is Jin Qiang and Junwu two school children. The other dutiful children knelt down from their feet to the courtyard outside the door. It was a little like kneeling down to the newly crowned emperor.

Junwu first briefly reported to the people of his aunt's family that they were taking care of the elderly, of course, there are some necessary reviews. Then he explained in detail how he had handled his mother's funeral this time. Finally, he asked his uncles for advice; If he is not satisfied, he will try his best to make up for it.

Next, the filial sons held their breath and waited for the inquiry of their aunt's family.

In this case, the deceased's family always put forward some opinions to the filial children: commonly known as \"shake the deficit\".

The chief uncle sat solemnly cross-legged at the end of the kang, pulled his relaxed eyelids, and said silently like an old judge: \"I will not say anything else.\" My sister and my brother-in-law Dong La River a ditch who does not know their good name? Now that they are buried together, why don't you make an ashram for them and let them sing?\"

The hearts of all the filial children were pounding. They had no idea that the old man had made such high demands. Junwu's daughter-in-law Li Yuling knocked her head on the ground and cursed in her heart: \"Old immortal thing! Look what a fool you are dead!\" Junwu bowed three heads to his uncle and replied, \"We should have done so as you always said, but we can't invite monks and taoists around us, and we can only go to Baiyun Mountain to ask for ceremonial students, but the road is too far, and we don't know whether people will come...\"

His uncle kept his eyes shut and said nothing - a denial of the nephew's cause. Things seemed to be at an impasse.

At this time, the second uncle coughed, turned to look at his brother, and said: \"Don't embarrass the doll any more.\" Jun-mu has done all he can for the fucking funeral, we can see that...\"

The second uncle is a wise man and took the initiative to excuse his nephew.

Uncle was silent for a while, raised his eyelids and said, \"So be it, get up...\"

Jin Junwu and all the filial sons quickly kowtowed to the group of stern judges on the kang.

After welcoming the villagers to send the tent and after the sacrifice, will be mourning.

Eight strong men rushed forward to carry the coffin, two in front of them carrying long benches in case the pallbearers rested on the road.

The son of the late Mi Yin Yin in Mijia Town inherited his father's business and is now the most famous Yin Yin in the surrounding area - at this time, he took a kitchen knife, walked to the coffin and symbolically cut off the chicken's head next to it, then threw the old chicken that would belong to him on the ground, turned his back and uttered a spell for a while, Shouting: \"Funeral!\"

Three cannon fired, drummers played mournful music, and eight men carried the coffin. Jin Qiang carries the lead of the soul flags, followed by the class flags and the filial son of the boy and girl. Next came the blowers, and then Xiao Zi pulled the tent from the coffin, crying all the way out the gate. Age sheets and the old lady's pillow were lit on the patio. At the same time, Shuangshui Village, all the families of the courtyard on a pile of fire to ward off evil.

The coffin made a routine stop on the slope, where the daughters burned the paper over their heads and returned home without going to the cemetery.

After the coffin was reopened, only the male filial son was left. The drummer stopped playing. People in the snow on the difficult march, it is not easy to carry this weight very heavy cypress wood coffin to the ancestral grave of the Jin family.

In the cemetery, Yin and Yang play a major role. The filial sons, all in awe, hoisted the coffin into the tomb, guided by the compass of young Mi Yin Yin. Every move here, every mistake, according to superstition, will lead to disaster for future generations. After the graves were piled up, Mi Yin Yin read the spiritualist song: \"... Every day children burn incense in front of Buddha, three years parents early ascension. Thousands of Buddhas love, tens of thousands of Bodhisattvas give cigarettes... Ahah! Cinnabar borax abrasive sand...... Run-in Balo, Balmiro... Lororo rice bowl... Bologanra...\" After reading the rice Yin and Yang, they crossed the grave, drew a circle, and scattered grain to the grave, and the funeral was all over.

After the mother's funeral, Kim Junwu and his wife slept for two days and two nights. From the arrest of the eldest brother and his family of three to the death of their mother, they were in a series of events, and their body and spirit were a little overwhelmed. They knew that the old mother was sick because of the misfortune of Junwen's family.

Now that's over. Deep in the heart of the couple, it is like harvesting a season of crops, can breathe out for a long time, their only remaining heart, is the nephew Jin Qiang's marriage problem. In this matter, Li Yuling and her husband's suffering is the same - they both love and sympathize with poor Qiangwa.

However, the Junwu couple did not know that things in the Sun home there had a breakthrough.

A few days before the Spring Festival, Sun Weihong once again proposed to her parents that she want to marry Jin Qiang; And strongly said that regardless of whether adults agree or not, they rushed to the Spring Festival to Shigejie township government to get a marriage certificate!

Needless to say, Sun Yuting added his daughter and the Jin family to a piece of scolding and firmly opposed the marriage.

But to Yuting's surprise, his wife stopped talking about it.

She no longer speaks, not that she still supports her husband, but that she basically acquiesces in her daughter's choice.

Fengying has Fengying idea. She and Yuting did not give birth to a boy, can find a son-in-law in the village, and someone to take care of their life when they are old. Moreover, although the three members of the Jin Junwen family had violated the law, Jin Qiang was a good young man, able to endure hardships and tend crops - which was what the couple lacked. With Jin Qiang, they will no longer humbly beg the big brother family. More importantly, she already knew that her daughter and Jin Qiangsheng rice made a cooked meal, and could no longer block this marriage. She even had a kind of mocking attitude towards the jade Pavilion who shouted loudly.

When her husband was ready to pick up her daughter again, He Fengying had to tell Yu Ting that Wei Hong was pregnant! Sun Yuting was like being hit on the head with a dull stick, and was immediately dumbstruck. My goodness! Who would have thought that his daughter Sun Yuting would do such a shameful thing? How can he educate the people of Shuangshui Village in the future?

Comrade Yuting should know that since his \"hemp paste\" incident with Wang Caie, he has long been unqualified to educate others on gender issues.

Sun Yuting collapsed in anger on his rotten mat. He also knew that the situation was irreversible. Daughter pregnant with Jin Qiang doll, do not let her marry the boy, who wants her?

Regardless of Sun Yuting against not against, before the Spring Festival, Wei Hong and Jin Qiangxiang followed to Shigejie township government got a marriage certificate. In view of the situation of Jin Qiang home, sensible Wei Hong do not hold any ceremony in the Jin home, ready to go directly from Tianjia Eoglao to Jinjiawan on the line.

In the double water village a surprise in the debate, Sun Weihong and Jin Qiang silently live together.

Sun Yuting despite the pain, but the daughter is his own flesh and blood after all. Before the child left home, he dug through a pile of old study materials to find a redskin notebook - this year's criticism of the Confucian Shigejie Commune award to him. He gave the notebook to his daughter as a wedding gift, and wrote two inscriptions on it with great talent: One red heart and two hands, follow the Party for generations.