Chapter I General provisions1. In order to comprehensively establish a modern management system and improve the working system, the labor contract is hereby signed and these Rules...

How to write the management system of small factory workshop?

Chapter I General provisions

1. In order to comprehensively establish a modern management system and improve the working system, the labor contract is hereby signed and these Rules are formulated. All employees of the factory shall consciously abide by these rules.

2. The special personnel, technical and management consultants and regular contract personnel (except as otherwise provided in the contract letter) who are hired for business needs shall also consciously abide by these Rules (the employees referred to in these Rules refer to the employees officially employed by the factory and the newly recruited interns during the probation period).

3. If there is any objection to this rule, it will be submitted to our senior administrative colleagues for discussion. If it still cannot be solved, the factory shall report to the competent authority for explanation and treatment.

4. The contract period is one year and every employee should sign a contract. Employees who want to quit their jobs at the end of their contracts should notify the factory one month in advance. If certain positions will affect the factory's production, they can only leave the factory when the factory recruits a replacement for the positions. The salary of the resigning personnel will be received with the food period. If wages are paid on the 1st of each month and the 1st is a rest holiday, the pay date is the next working day.

Chapter II Factory Rules and Regulations

1. Employees shall consciously abide by all the rules and regulations of the factory, obey the reasonable arrangements of the supervisors at all levels, and the supervisors at all levels must seriously and patiently teach other employees

2. All employees shall work seriously and responsibly, cherish public property, reduce wastage, improve product quality and increase innovative output value; Business secrets should be kept confidential.

3. All employees shall follow the hierarchy and shall not report beyond the hierarchy, except in emergency or special circumstances.

4. Without the written consent of the factory, employees shall not concurrently hold positions related to the business of the factory outside, shall not operate the same business projects with the factory in their own name or that of others, shall not use their power to seek benefits for themselves or others, and shall not accept kickbacks and other illegal income.

5. Employees shall not leave their posts without approval during working hours; No private use of the factory telephone except for business needs.

6. Employees are not allowed to bring relatives and friends into the factory or dormitory without approval.

7. Employees are not allowed to bring guns, ammunition, knives, cameras, explosive and items unrelated to production or business into the factory or dormitory.

8. Without approval, employees shall not bring public property to factory without permission, and private goods shall be brought to factory by obtaining release certificate from relevant leaders.

9. Employees must wear the position card when entering the workshop.

10. It is strictly forbidden to make noise, talk, doze off and read books unrelated to business work during working hours.

11. Be hygienic, do not litter in the factory, do not spit. It is strictly forbidden to use miscellaneous paper other than toilet paper to go to the toilet.

12. It is strictly prohibited to punch or sign the card on behalf of others. (You can sign the card at the office unless you can't hit the overnight card clock)

13. All employees are not allowed to borrow money or advance salary from the company. (Special use is not limited)

14, mechanical equipment must be maintained every day, if there is a failure, should immediately cut off the power supply, please the mechanic to repair or supervisor, can not privately move.

15. Keep the facilities in the factory tidy, and do not move the fixed parking Spaces, tables and other fixed facilities in the factory without authorization.

16. It is strictly prohibited to damage all property of the factory and steal property of the company or others.

17, abide by the financial system, shall not embezzle and owe public funds.

18, law-abiding, civilized language, not malicious, tattling, loud noise.

19, no fireworks, no smoking in the workshop: not allowed to use electrical appliances and fire cooking in the dormitory; Guest accommodation is strictly prohibited.

20, management personnel should help each other, full cooperation. And each department head must manage their own department staff, not across other departments. (except under temporary transfer arrangement)

21, shall not operate the use or practice does not belong to their own use of machinery and equipment, such as damage to the equipment and other consequences, all responsibility.

22, keep the platform clean, every day before the start of work must first wipe the platform, test to formal production. Turn off your phone when you leave work.

23, all processes must sign their own work number. Those who do not sign the work number will cancel the salary of this tying process. If there is a self-alteration, deliberately create disorderly flying, will be dealt with seriously. All changes must be signed by management.

Chapter III Employment and transfer

1. The new employees of the company shall be screened or examined and approved before being hired, and shall be probated first (one month). During the probationary period, those who fail to pass the assessment will not be hired. During the probationary period, the probationary personnel may resign according to the regulations of the factory if they have different aspirations or are not competent.

1. If a person conceals his physical health, work experience, education, identity and other facts when entering into a labor contract, the factory will re-deal with him according to his circumstances.

2. Persons under 16 years of age do not meet government employment standards.

3. After the new employee is approved for employment, he\/she shall handle the registration procedures in person on the designated date and place after receiving the notice, and submit the following information for inspection:

4-1. Personnel data card.

4. If an employee has any of the following circumstances, the Company may Sue for compensation under the relevant provisions of the civil law.

5-1. Misappropriation or loss of money (goods).

5-2. Unlawful destruction of public property.

5-3. Unauthorized handling of affairs, causing damage to the factory.

5-4. The person in charge, agent and co-working employees (including family members) of the factory have illegal acts that cause damage.

5. Due to operational needs and compliance with principles, employees shall not refuse to be transferred to work.

6. The Company may terminate the labor contract upon notice of any of the following events.

7-1. Closure or transfer.

7-2. Loss or business contraction.

7-3. When changes in the nature of the business are necessary to reduce the number of staff and there are no suitable jobs available.

7-4. When the employee is truly incompetent for the work performed.

1. When an employee wants to terminate the contract, he\/she shall notify the factory and go through the termination procedures in accordance with this regulation.

Chapter IV Working hours and rest

1. Factory employees are not allowed to leave their jobs during office hours without the permission of the master.

2. Working hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m

From 13:30 to 17:30

From 18:00 to 21:30 PM (overtime)

3. Being late

2-1. Late arrival is considered to be less than five minutes from the start of work.

2-2. Leaders will give verbal warning to workers who arrive late after 15 minutes after the start of working hours.

3. Leave early

3-1. Those who leave work less than five minutes before the end time are considered to leave early.

3-2. Time off 20 minutes earlier.

Step 4 Ask for time off

4-1. Employees who do not work without leave or leave without renewal will have verbal warnings for the first time, and repeat offenders will be punished according to factory regulations.

Chapter V Wages

1. The wages mentioned in these Rules shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the labor contract.

2. Employees are paid monthly after working.

3. The salary payment of the factory staff is agreed by both parties, but the company has the right to advance or delay, but not later than the current month.

4. The salaries of our employees are divided into the following categories:

4-1. Basic or basic salary (depending on knowledge, experience, skills, abilities and the nature of the job).

4-2. Perks.

4-3. Job allowance or technical allowance (depending on the position or title).

4-4. Full attendance Award :(i) No late or early leave every month, no leave for the whole month will be issued **.- Full attendance award (including overtime stipulated by the company).

(ii) If there is a monthly attendance award throughout the year, there is a year-end award at the end of the year, which is the sum of the total attendance award.

4-5. Work bonus: Bonus will be paid if the piece exceeds the standard. The standard is based on the monthly production value of each parking space, if the production is $700-$1000, it will be 10% of the salary, and if the production value is more than $1000, it will be 15% of the salary as a reward.

Chapter VI Asking for Leave

1. Marriage leave: If the employee is legally married and has served the factory for more than three years, the factory will pay one week's paid leave.

2. Public sickness and injury leave: The factory will pay paid leave for the sick and injury leave during the treatment period confirmed by the labor and management department, and the paid leave is the medical period during hospitalization.

1. Persons who are not hospitalized shall not exceed the prescribed 10 days in a year.

2. Persons admitted to hospital shall not exceed the period of medical treatment prescribed by the Government.

3. Those who exceed the time limit can be suspended without pay, except those who are authorized by the labor and management department.

4. Bereavement leave: The employee may apply for bereavement leave with legal proof in accordance with the provisions of this section, and may receive paid wages.

5. Bereavement leave is granted for the bereavement of parents and spouses: three days is granted for the bereavement of grandparents, children, spouses and parents.

6. When an employee asks for leave, he or she shall verbally or in writing explain the reasons for leave and the number of days in advance and attach relevant supporting documents to handle the formalities before leaving his or her post, or send a letter to the supervisor of the unit to report the leave formalities on his or her behalf.

7. Any pregnant employee in the factory: the factory will provide 90 days maternity leave, and according to the labor law, the monthly salary will be calculated to give pregnant employees.

8. Employees who have been working in the factory for more than one year: in addition to the annual statutory leave of 10 days, the factory will provide more than 10 days of leave for employees, and pay as usual.

9. During the overtime rush period, if the employee needs to ask for leave, he or she must be approved by the supervisor before leaving, otherwise he or she will be punished according to different circumstances.

Chapter VII Canteen and Dormitory Rules

1. Pay attention to hygiene. It is strictly forbidden to litter, spit, and throw leftovers in the factory. Do not urinate or defecate in the shower room, save water and electricity, and prohibit the phenomenon of long lamps and long running water.

2. Each employee's bed shall be kept clean, and the dormitory shall be strictly forbidden to pull and connect wires, open fire, pour water, hang wet clothes, and dry clothes in designated places. Gambling and fighting are strictly prohibited in the factory, men and women are not allowed to live together and outsiders are not allowed to stay in the factory.

3. After the bed is arranged by the factory logistics, the bed shall not be moved randomly, and the iron bed in the dormitory shall not be moved without permission. Work and rest at 12:00 in the evening, shall not enter or leave the factory gate after 12:00, and shall not make loud noise or affect others' rest during work and rest time.

4. The third floor dormitory must be 2 people to a room, not 1 person to monopolize a room.

1. The security guard will lock the dormitory door during working hours, and the rest of the staff will not be allowed to stay in the dormitory except for the sick leave staff. After completing the procedures for leaving the factory, the staff shall be confirmed by the security staff on the same day before moving out of the dormitory.

2. Each employee must pay attention to the preservation of personal belongings, due to personal carelessness and theft of the factory will not be responsible.

3. Pay attention to safety. It is strictly forbidden to sit on railings within the factory area.

4. It is strictly forbidden to throw garbage and sundries to the downstairs within the factory area.