There are many customs in China since ancient times, so the customs of the wedding must be essential, with these customs, the meaning of the wedding has become extraordinary and li...

What are the customs of Shanxi Taiyuan wedding?

There are many customs in China since ancient times, so the customs of the wedding must be essential, with these customs, the meaning of the wedding has become extraordinary and lively, then what customs are we want to know at the wedding?

The customs of each place may vary greatly, especially the southern and northern cultures are very different, and the wedding customs have many different places. Today, I will mainly talk about our northern customs.

First, the bride and groom do not meet:

On the first day of the wedding, the groom and the bride are not allowed to meet, there is an ancient saying that the groom and the bride meet the day before the wedding will cause bad luck, but now this custom is still unknown where it came from, but the custom, sometimes it is unreasonable, just follow the custom.

Second, press the bed custom:

On the first night of marriage, the old man with both children and children will usually fold the quilt of the new bed, and choose an unmarried brother or junior boy to sleep with the groom in the new bed for a night. Most of them will choose smart and lively children, which means the continuation of grandchildren and the birth of intelligent children.

Third, do not go back:

When receiving, the team is generally around a circle will not come to the road, because this means that the groom and the bride do not regret marriage, so that can go on for a long time.

Four, the bride's feet do not touch the ground:

Now there is a custom that the bride is carried by her husband from the bed to the car on the day of the reception, the bride is not allowed to touch the ground before the foot, because the bride from the day of marriage is the in-laws, if the bride feet touch the ground to take away the dust of the family, it will be regarded as taking away the blessing of the family.

Five, the eternal lamp:

Changming lamp and \"long life lamp\" said, the Changming lamp is generally bought by the mother's family to send to the husband's house, the wedding day by the bride's brother is responsible for screwing and lighting, generally from the first day to light for 7 days, during which do not let it go out, meaning a long time, long life.

The above is the customs before marriage notice, there are some differences in different regions, so it is still necessary to do a wedding according to their local customs, so that they can get married!