1, China's chip production, mainly concentrated in which provinces? 2, Yulong chip in the end is powerful 3, What is the outlook for the chip industry?4, What is the future of...

Is Gansu chip that powerful (Gansu chip)

China's chip production, mainly concentrated in which provinces?

The total number of chips in Jiangsu Province ranks first in the country, among the provinces in China, Jiangsu ProvinceThe chip production reached 562.4 billion pieces, while the second chip production was about 31.7 billion pieces, and the third chip production was just over 30 billion pieces. In the first three quarters of this year, Jiangsu Province's chip production was about 36.6 billion pieces, while the second and third place were both below 30 billion pieces.

China's current strength of the four domestic chip production bases are Jiangsu, Gansu, Guangdong, Shanghai, and in these four chip production bases, the only inland province compared to backward Gansu has silently spoken with strength, becoming the second largest industrial base in the field of chip production in China.

Development status is as follows: Liaoning Province is EastAll right. Yulong 810 chip computing power for the large model, large data volume operation, to provide computing power support, so good.

2, Not bad. The Yulong 810 chip is a high-performance processor with high efficiency, low power consumption, and high stability, which can meet the requirements of various application scenarios. In addition, Yulong 810 chip also supports a variety of operating systems, can meet the needs of different users.

3, only Jade Dragon 810. According to the relevant information, Yulong 810A chip has the functional characteristics of autonomous controllability, high break resistance, high intelligence, high reliability and low power consumption SoC chip.

4, Obit Yulong chip 810 more advanced. The production process of Obit Yulong chip 810 is 22 mm, and the production process of Obit Yulong chip 410 is 25 mm. The overall quality of 810 is more advanced than 410.

What is the prospect of the chip industry

The future development prospects of the chip industry are broad, and with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the chip industry will usher in more opportunities and challenges. First, technological progress is a key factor driving the development of the chip industry.

PeopleIndustrial intelligent chip industry chain involves a wide range of fields, and the technical threshold is high. The industry chain consists of upstream materials and equipment, midstream product manufacturing, and downstream application markets. Upstream materials and equipment mainly include semiconductor materials and semiconductor equipment. Overall, although China's artificial intelligence chip industry started late, with technological progress and the development of 5G, the industry has a promising prospect and is expected to achieve rapid growth. The above data and analysis refer to the "China Artificial intelligence chip Industry Strategic Planning and Enterprise Strategy Consulting Report" of the Prospective Industry Research Institute.

No. Search by queryFox News shows that the chip industry prospects are very bright, in the next decade will continue to be hot, not saturated, with the continuous progress of science and technology, more and more areas need chips to provide better functions and performance.

Chip professional employment prospects are better, the industry demand is growing. With the development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, the demand for the integrated circuit industry is growing. In the future, the market size of this industry will continue to expand, with broad employment prospects.

Overall, although China's artificial intelligence chip industry started late, with technological progress and the development of 5G, the industry has a promising prospect and is expected to achieve rapid growth. The above data and analysis refer to the "China Artificial intelligence chip Industry Strategic Planning and Enterprise Strategy Consulting Report" of the Prospective Industry Research Institute.

. Affected by multiple factors, China's artificial intelligence chip market is in short supply, resulting in a continuous rise in chip prices. For more detailed market demand analysis and investment outlook forecast, please refer to the previous"China Artificial intelligence chip (AI chip) industry market demand analysis and investment prospects Forecast Report" released by Zhan Industry Research Institute.

The high-quality development of the chip industry is directly related to the progress of the modern information industry and industrial chain. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, China's integrated circuit industry developed rapidly, and the industrial scale continued to grow. According to industry estimates, China's integrated circuit sales revenue will reach 884.8 billion yuan in 2020, with an average growth rate of 20%, far exceeding the global industry growth rate.