小鹏p7无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-09 6:05 40
Xiaopeng p7 has two charging ports, the AC slow charger is located on the rear wing of the vehicle, and the DC fast charger is located on the right rear wing of the vehicle. There...

Xiaopeng p7 AC how to charge?

Xiaopeng p7 has two charging ports, the AC slow charger is located on the rear wing of the vehicle, and the DC fast charger is located on the right rear wing of the vehicle. There are 6 ways to open the P7 fast charger:

1. When you open the door, the screen pops up whether to open the fast charge port, click open;

2. Click the battery button in the upper right corner, and click the pop-up box to open the fast charge port;

3. Drop down the screen to open the shortcut and click to open the fast charge port;

4. Remote key button to open the fast charging port.