Magnetic absorption will not cause damage to the mobile phone and NFC, its magnetic absorption principle and magnetic charger, because the original iron inside the mobile phone is...

Magnetic radiator won't affect your chances?

Magnetic absorption will not cause damage to the mobile phone and NFC, its magnetic absorption principle and magnetic charger, because the original iron inside the mobile phone is very little, the iron original is not the main original, the magnet does not have much impact on it, as long as it does not affect the use, it will not affect the performance.

The surface magnetic force (the part that contacts the phone) of more than 200gs will affect or even damage the phone, but the magnetic force of the black shark magnetic heat sink back clip is far less than this standard, so it will not affect the phone.

Under normal circumstances, the S pole or N pole of the magnet will have an impact on the phone, but the magnetic radiator does not rely on a separate N pole or S pole to attract the metal part of the phone. The black shark magnetic effect is designed to be a multi-point NS pole, such as four-point magnetic magnet, on the upper N, left S, lower N, right S arrangement, so that each direction to form a complete closed magnetic field, not only to strengthen the magnetic force, the internal impact of the phone and signal interference can be ignored.