1. Smart drivingIncluding chips, algorithms, sensors, operating systems, development environments, and more.The next generation MDC intelligent driving computing platform series pr...

What are the characteristics of Huawei cars?

1. Smart driving

Including chips, algorithms, sensors, operating systems, development environments, and more.

The next generation MDC intelligent driving computing platform series products released by Huawei include MDC 210 and MDC 610. Among them, MDC 210 is mainly used for L2 automatic driving, and MDC 610 is mainly for L3-L4 automatic driving, which can meet the requirements of vehicle regulations.

2. Smart cockpit

Huawei self-developed chip self-developed system display hardware, the chip is the Kirin series of automotive standard version, the system is Hongmeng OS. The display hardware includes an AR HUD and an ultra-clear LCD dashboard.

3. Smart electric

Including intelligent vehicle control platform, vehicle control OS and hardware. Hardware includes BMS, motor control, vehicle charging system and modules.

Huawei X integrated electric drive unit integrates the motor, reducer, OBC, DCDC, PDU, MCU, BCU, etc., and adopts cold oil heat dissipation technology, which is equivalent to the on-board electrical architecture with the unit as the core, and the control of battery, motor, electrical appliances in the car, charging, driving and so on depends on him.

4. Intelligent network connection

Connected vehicle products, including V2X modules, Tboxes, and vehicle gateways, can accurately interpret the intentions of traffic participants and make accurate judgments based on them. In June 2018, Huawei released EI traffic agent to enable intelligent roads, which was officially applied to Wuxi municipal vehicle networking project for the first time; In October of the same year, Huawei released a mobile data center MDC600 to achieve autonomous driving and create \"smart cars\" and \"smart roads.\"

5. Intelligent car cloud

Huawei's cloud services in the automotive sector include autonomous driving cloud, V2X cloud, connected cloud and battery management cloud, of which Connected cloud has been applied on PSA's DS7Crossback model.

Huawei Cloud Autopilot cloud service Octopus includes three sub-services of autopilot data, training and simulation, covering the full life cycle of autopilot data, model, training, simulation and annotation, which will effectively improve the efficiency of enterprise autopilot product development.

CAI Jianyong, BU CTO of Huawei smart Car Solution, said that the characteristics of smart cars should be reflected in: the platform can be quickly iterated, and the hardware can be continuously replaced; Very rich ecology and can meet the user's personalized experience. He believes that at present, many smart cars on the market are more like cottage machines in the mobile phone era, only with a large screen, but there is still a lack of experience in all aspects.

He believes that in order for intelligent cars to become real intelligent terminals, they should speed up the construction of an open and collaborative intelligent vehicle ecology