电脑芯片图片ichaiyang 2024-05-07 23:32 68
The rice card is a contactless ID card, or radio frequency card, the core part of which is a microcomputer chip with an electromagnetic induction coil.1. It is a technical device...

The chip in the meal card?

The rice card is a contactless ID card, or radio frequency card, the core part of which is a microcomputer chip with an electromagnetic induction coil.

1. It is a technical device used to store and transmit personal information and carry out payment functions. 2. The existence of this chip is to facilitate students' consumption on campus, avoid carrying cash or bank cards, and improve the convenience and security of payment. 3. It can not only be used to pay for meals and shopping in the canteen, supermarket and other places, but also for campus access control, library borrowing and other functions, providing more convenience and services.
In addition, with the development of technology, rice card chips can also be bound with mobile phones and other devices to achieve more functions and application extensions.

The meal card surface is a chip and electrical route, the chip can store information, when the meal card consumption, the card machine will brush out the corresponding amount.