芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:09 86
At the 16th \"China Optics Valley\" International Optoelectronics Expo and Forum, Wuhan Optoelectrical Research Institute and incubators jointly released self-developed Mini-LED ch...

What is a mini chip?

At the 16th \"China Optics Valley\" International Optoelectronics Expo and Forum, Wuhan Optoelectrical Research Institute and incubators jointly released self-developed Mini-LED chip-level package products, the specification is 380μm×380μm×200μm, the volume is 1\/30 of sesame, which is also the smallest specification Mini-LED that can be mass-produced in the world.

It is understood that as the latest concept in the field of display technology, Mini-LED, also known as \"sub-millimeter light-emitting diode\

The Mini-LED package product released on the same day adopts the \"three-in-one\" method, which packages the chip displaying red, green and blue light respectively in a lamp bead, forming a full-color pixel light source that can be independently controlled by a unit point. The pixel pitch can be as low as 0.5mm, which is the limit of the point pitch that can be achieved by the current RGB self-luminous display application Mini-LED.