华为x3无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-09 4:13 34
To match an access card on a Huawei X3 mobile phone, you can perform the following steps:Open the Settings app on your phone.In the Settings menu, scroll down and find the \"Securi...

How does Huawei x3 match the access card?

To match an access card on a Huawei X3 mobile phone, you can perform the following steps:

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Open the Settings app on your phone.

In the Settings menu, scroll down and find the \"Security and Privacy\" option, then click to enter.

In the Security and Privacy menu, locate and click on the \"Access Card and Payment\" option.

On the Access Card and Payment page, you will see the Settings for your access card. Click the \"Access Card\" option.

If you have not previously matched an access card, you will be prompted to add one. Click the \"Add Access Card\" button.

You will be asked to enter your phone's unlock password or fingerprint\/facial recognition for verification.

After successful verification, the system will turn on the camera and ask you to place the access card in the scanning area of the camera for scanning.

Place the access card in the scanning area of the camera and wait for the system to complete the scanning and matching process.

If the match is successful, the system will display the information about the access card and prompt you to set the door opening mode (for example, swipe card, fingerprint, etc.).

Set the door opening mode as prompted.

After completing the above steps, your Huawei X3 mobile phone is successfully matched with the access card.

Please note that these steps may vary for different Huawei X3 phone models and operating system versions. If you encounter difficulties during operation, refer to the user manual of the mobile phone or contact Huawei customer service for more detailed guidance.