1. First of all, you need to buy a smart light bulb, and you need to prepare a mobile phone and smart speaker. Buy light bulbs to choose a regular way, to buy official website, pri...

How to connect the light?

1. First of all, you need to buy a smart light bulb, and you need to prepare a mobile phone and smart speaker. Buy light bulbs to choose a regular way, to buy official website, price and quality is more guaranteed.

2. After purchasing the bulb, unpack it, check whether the bulb is in good condition, and check the instruction manual. Remove the bulb, then install the bulb and turn on the power.

3. Take out your smartphone and download an APP to your Android phone according to the instructions. Enter the WiFi password to configure the home appliance network.

4. Open the phone and set the time. You can turn on the switch, set the enabling time, and enter the required time to complete the operation.

5. After all the connections are adjusted, at night, as long as you shout \"small degree small degree, turn on the light\

6. Get up at night, if you are afraid of the light is too bright, it will disturb yourself. The brightness can be adjusted and set to a small night light, which will not affect it. Smart bulbs can choose the regular way to buy, installation and use can read the manual, you can also go to the official website to see the video introduction, familiar with the operation.

1. After getting the small smart light bulb, install it according to the instructions, and then open the light bulb, when the light of the light bulb becomes a slow flashing state, you can begin to distribute the network.