芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:08 116
Chip raw materials mainly include the following categories:1. Semiconductor materials: including silicon, gallium arsenide, indium phosphide, gallium nitride, etc., are the core ma...

What are the main raw materials of chips?

Chip raw materials mainly include the following categories:

1. Semiconductor materials: including silicon, gallium arsenide, indium phosphide, gallium nitride, etc., are the core materials for chip manufacturing. Among them, silicon is the most commonly used semiconductor material, which occupies an absolute dominant position in modern integrated circuits.

2. Chemicals: such as solvents, diluents, acids, alkalis, etc., used for surface cleaning, etching and polishing when manufacturing semiconductor materials.

3. Metal materials: such as gold, silver, copper, aluminum, etc., used to make metal wires, electrodes and contactors.

4. Photoresist: used in the photolithography process to map the chip circuit pattern onto the silicon wafer.

5. Insulating materials: such as alumina, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, etc., used to manufacture chip buffer layer, isolation layer and capacitor.

The above only lists some major chip raw materials, in fact, chip manufacturing needs to use a variety of different types of materials, and the quality and performance of these raw materials have a crucial impact on chip manufacturing and use effects.

The overseas pressure of the chip is increasing, and the domestic chip has reached the critical moment of either strong or dead.

Chip materials mainly include manufacturing materials and packaging materials.

Manufacturing materials mainly include: silicon, photoresist and supporting reagents, high purity reagents, electronic gases, polishing materials, targets, etc.; The main packaging materials include: lead frame, packaging substrate, ceramic substrate, bonding wire, packaging material, chip bonding material, etc.

The inside of the chip is semiconductor material, most of which is silicon material, and the capacitors, resistors, diodes, and transistors inside are made of semiconductors. A semiconductor is a material between a conductor like copper, which allows electricity to pass easily, and an insulator like rubber, which does not conduct current. A solid state electronic device composed mainly of amorphous semiconductor materials.

Although the amorphous semiconductor molecule is disordered on the whole, it still has the microstructure of a single crystal, so it has many special properties.

The raw materials of the chip include silicon wafer, alumina, silicon nitride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, aluminum trichloride, toluene, polyimide film, etc. Among them, silicon is the main raw material for chip processing, while other materials are used for processing, cleaning, etching and other aspects.

The raw material of the chip is mainly silicon, and its property is that it can be a semiconductor.