The normal use of the car vacuum cleaner will not cause harm to the car battery. If the fire is used for a long time to prevent the battery from losing power too quickly, the car c...

Is the car vacuum cleaner bad for the car battery?

The normal use of the car vacuum cleaner will not cause harm to the car battery. If the fire is used for a long time to prevent the battery from losing power too quickly, the car can be started, and the running speed can be appropriately increased to allow the generator to supplement the battery with power. The correct use of the car vacuum cleaner does not harm the battery. Related knowledge:

1, the battery power is less than half, that is, when the voltage is lower than 13.4V, the battery fault light is on, the car is difficult to start, and it should be charged in time. As long as the use of car vacuum cleaner does not cause the battery failure light, there is no problem.

2, the battery voltage is 10% lower than the rated voltage, that is, below 10.8V, the battery has the risk of power loss, the battery loss life is shortened by 80%, at this time, you can use the charger to charge, you can also use the electric battery lap start. If the speed of the car vacuum cleaner is decreased significantly, it has reached this state, and it should stop working immediately.

3, the battery is completely out of power, in addition to its life shortened by 80%, but also caused data loss, need to ask the 4S shop to help initialize, commonly known as decoding or code. If the battery has been used for more than a year, you can consider replacing the battery. Car vacuum cleaner power is not too large, but relative to the car battery consumption is not small, or to start the car after use. When the car is idle, the generator is also generating electricity, and he always charges the battery (floating charge). However, when the car is idle, the generator output voltage is relatively low, and the voltage to the battery can only be the same as his output. If the battery loses power, it is best to take it down and charge it or run a long distance charge, it is best to charge it for more than 6 hours. Long-term use of car power will certainly cause damage to the power of the car itself, although the car can be charged, but you use a vacuum cleaner to start the car, fuel consumption does not say but also increase car wear, you can buy a direct charging car vacuum cleaner, not to solve the problem. I suggest you buy the BX-111 Suction Little Prince,