Chip wet etching is a common semiconductor manufacturing process, its principle is to use the etching liquid in a wet chemical environment and the chip surface chemical reaction, s...

Chip wet etching principle?

Chip wet etching is a common semiconductor manufacturing process, its principle is to use the etching liquid in a wet chemical environment and the chip surface chemical reaction, so as to remove the chip surface material.

The process of wet etching is mainly achieved by regulating the chemical composition, concentration and temperature in the etching solution. The chemical components in the etching solution react chemically with the chip surface material, causing it to dissolve or transform into a soluble substance. At the same time, the reaction material between the etching liquid and the chip surface will further accelerate the material removal through diffusion.

By precisely controlling the parameters of the wet etching process, selective, uniform and accurate removal of the surface material of the chip can be achieved.