1. amlogict972 chip and hisilicon 351 chip are two different chips. 2. The amlogict972 chip is developed by amlogic, while the Hisilicon 351 chip is developed by Huawei's Hisilicon...

amlogict972 chip and Hisilicon 351 chip comparison?

1. amlogict972 chip and hisilicon 351 chip are two different chips. 2. The amlogict972 chip is developed by amlogic, while the Hisilicon 351 chip is developed by Huawei's Hisilicon. The
amlogict972 chip is excellent in terms of performance, with higher processing power and faster running speed.
It is suitable for demanding application scenarios, such as smart TVS, set-top boxes, etc. The Hisilicon 351 chip focuses on power control and low cost, which is suitable for low-end products in mass production, such as security surveillance cameras and smart home devices. 3. In terms of amlogict972 chip also has more powerful graphics processing power and audio processing power, which can provide a better audio-visual experience. The Hisilicon 351 chip pays more attention to the support of network connection and communication functions, which can better meet the needs of Internet of Things devices.
Therefore, when selecting the chip, it is necessary to weigh and choose according to the specific application scenarios and requirements.

AMLOGIC 972 chip and Hisilicon 351 chip are two common TV box chips, they both have high performance and stability. The main advantage of the AMLOGIC 972 chip is that it has stronger multimedia performance and supports more video and audio formats. The Hisilicon 351 chip pays more attention to image processing and video coding capabilities, and its performance is more suitable for 4K high-definition image processing. Therefore, when choosing a TV box, you should choose your own chip according to your needs and use scenarios.