宝马i3无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-09 2:33 14
Clear conclusion: The reason why the BMW i3 reservation charging time is still immediately charged is that the BMW i3 model does not support the reservation charging function.Expla...

BMW i3 reservation charging time why or charge immediately?

Clear conclusion: The reason why the BMW i3 reservation charging time is still immediately charged is that the BMW i3 model does not support the reservation charging function.

Explanation: The BMW i3 model does not add the function of appointment charging in the design, so the appointment charging time cannot be realized. The reservation charging function usually requires communication between the vehicle's electronic system and the charging device in order to start charging at a set time. However, the BMW i3 is not designed for this function, so it can only be charged immediately.

Content extension: The reservation charging function is a very practical feature for electric vehicles. It allows the owner to reasonably allocate the charging time according to his own needs and the condition of the charging facility, and improve the flexibility and efficiency of electricity consumption. The booking charging function can help the owner make full use of the electricity price during the low period and save electricity costs. At the same time, the reservation charging function can also reduce the load of charging equipment, reduce energy waste, and also have a positive impact on the management and stability of the power grid. For the future model design, considering the introduction of an appointment charging function will give users a better charging experience and convenience.