芯片公司排名前十ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:07 364
1, Dazu laser (002008 , the latest share price of 39.35 yuan, the total market value of 41.989 billion: On June 17, 2021, the company said in the interactive platform: the company...

The world's strongest lithography machine ranking Top 10?

1, Dazu laser (002008), the latest share price of 39.35 yuan, the total market value of 41.989 billion: On June 17, 2021, the company said in the interactive platform: the company in the research lithography machine project resolution 3-5μm, mainly focused on discrete devices, LED and other fields of application, this year is expected to achieve small batch sales.

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2. Zhangjiang Hi-Tech (600895), latest share price 16.40 yuan, total market value 25.399 billion yuan: In March 2021, the company said on the interactive platform that Shanghai Zhangjiang Haocheng Venture Capital Co., Ltd. invested 223.45 million yuan in Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment Co., LTD., with an investment ratio of 10.779%.

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3, Jing Fang Technology (603005), the latest share price of 55.50 yuan, the total market value of 18.834 billion: in June 2021, the company said in the interactive platform, the Dutch lithography machine manufacturer ASML for the company to participate in the merger of the Dutch Anteryon company one of the most important customers. Anteryon is a global technology innovation company with hybrid lenses, wafer-scale micro optical device process technology design, characteristic materials and mass production capabilities. Its products are widely used in semiconductor precision equipment, industrial automation, automotive, security, 3D sensors and other applications such as consumer electronics.

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4, Si Microelectronics (300456), the latest share price of 21.39 yuan, the total market value of 13.671 billion: In June 2021, the company disclosed on the interactive platform: the company has been providing process development and wafer manufacturing services for lens system MEMS components for global lithography machine giants. ASML is the company's commercial partner. The company has several lithography machines in Sweden and Beijing respectively; Sweden production line 2021-2021 annual capacity utilization has been maintained at a high level of more than 80%

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5, Wanye Enterprise (600641), the latest share price of 13.92 yuan, the total market value of 13.334 billion: The wholly-owned subsidiary Kaisitong adopts the strategy of \"one step ahead\" and adopts the design concept of international competitiveness, focusing on the development of FinFET integrated circuit ion implanter with the process of 16 nm and below, and aiming at the key technologies and technical difficulties that need to be solved in the development of low-energy large-beam ion implanter. Establish the corresponding R & D platform, the relevant core key technology and process research parameter database and performance testing standards. In 2021, Casiton's low-energy large-beam ion implantation machine was successfully moved and successfully entered the ion implantation wafer verification stage. The participating company Shanghai Semiconductor Equipment Material Fund holds 2.08% of the shares of Huazhuo Jingke.

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6, Shanghai Xinyang (300236), the latest share price of 41.58 yuan, the total market value of 12.085 billion: In February 2021, the company said in the interactive easy platform, SMIC is one of the company's main customers. In February 2021, the company disclosed on the interactive platform that the company's KRF lithography machine supports the research of 96-layer 3DNAND photoresist, and the research of 250nm and 130nm process logic circuits photoresist. The company is accelerating the development of the third core technology - lithography technology, and has made major breakthroughs in the field of high-end photoresist such as ArF dry process for integrated circuit manufacturing, KrF thick film adhesive, and I wire. At the same time, actively layout semiconductor silicon wafers, semiconductor wet process equipment, flat panel liquid crystal display photoresist and other business areas.

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7. Nanda Optoelectronics (300346), latest share price 28.13 yuan, total market value 11.446 billion: super raised funds to invest in the \"development and industrialization of ArF photoresist products\" project.

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8, Fei Kai Materials (300398), the latest share price of 15.60 yuan, the total market value of 8.047 billion: the company engaged in PCB photoresist special chemicals.

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9, *ST Victory (002426), the latest share price of 2.08 yuan, the total market value of 7.158 billion: Victory precision plans to raise no more than 2 billion yuan, to the industrialization of lithography machine.

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10, Huate Gas (688268), the latest share price of 57.49 yuan, the total market value of 6.899 billion: Huate gas is a special gas leading enterprise.

At present, there are not many companies in the world that can produce lithography machines, but there are only four companies that are most familiar with the largest sales volume and the most ranked companies.

Among the four lithographic machine companies, there is one in the Netherlands, which is the famous ASML, one in China is Shanghai Microelectronics, and there are two in Japan, respectively Canon and Nikon, which account for more than 95% of the global share, and are in an absolute monopoly position.

At present, lithography technology is not involved in many enterprises, and the companies with strength on this track include: AsML of the Netherlands, Intel of the United States, Philips of the Netherlands, Canon and Nikon of Japan, Shanghai Micro Electronics of China and SMIC of China, and so on.

At present, based on the breakthrough of extreme ultraviolet lithography machine technology, ASML's industry position in the lithography machine industry has been unable to shake in a short time

Global lithography machine strongest ranking: Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, France, Japan, China, Mexico, South Africa

The giants are Top4: ASML in the Netherlands, Shanghai Microelectronics in China, Canon and Nikon in Japan, and these four companies account for 95% of the world's products.