A chip is an integrated circuit that consists of a large number of transistors. Different chips have different integration scales, up to several hundred million; As small as tens o...

What is the chip and how does it work?

A chip is an integrated circuit that consists of a large number of transistors. Different chips have different integration scales, up to several hundred million; As small as tens or hundreds of transistors.

The working principle of the chip is to manufacture the circuit on the surface of the semiconductor chip for calculation and processing.

Based on the number of microelectronic devices integrated on a chip, integrated circuits can be divided into the following categories:

Small integrated circuit (SSI English full name is Small Scale Integration) logic gate less than 10 or transistor less than 100.

Medium integrated circuit (MSI English full name Medium Scale Integration) logic gate 11~100 or transistor 101~1k.

LSI (LSI English full name is Large Scale Integration) logic gate 101~1k or transistor 1,001~10k.

Very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI English full name is Very large scale integration) logic gate 1,001~10k or transistor 10,001~100k.

Ultra-large Scale Integration (ULSI) logic gate 10,001~1M or transistor 100,001~10M.

GLSI (Giga Scale Integration) has more than 1,000,001 logic gates or 10,000,001 transistors.

A chip is an integrated circuit composed of a large number of transistors, and the chip has many sizes, ranging from hundreds of millions to dozens or hundreds of transistors. So how does the chip work?

The working principle of the chip is to manufacture the circuit on the surface of the semiconductor chip for calculation and processing.

Integrated circuits have two main advantages for discrete transistors: cost and performance.

The cost is low because the chip prints all its components in photolithography as a single unit, rather than making one transistor at a time.

Performance is high because the components switch on and off quickly, consume less energy, and the components are small and close together.

The characteristic of PN junction is that only by adding positive electrode on the left and negative electrode on the right can the current pass through, if the current direction is reversed, the current is not circulating, which is the diode.

Chip is a kind of semiconductor material, also known as \"integrated circuit\


Chip is composed of a large number of transistors, a small chip inside the small to hundreds of transistors, large to tens of thousands of transistors, is a great invention of modern science and technology.


The transistor in the chip is divided into two states: on and off, usually using 1 and 0 to represent, and then passing signals and transmitting data through 1 and 0.


After the chip is powered on, it will produce a startup command, and all the transistors will begin to transmit data, sending specific instructions and data out.