The image of the photographed object is focused on the ccd chip through the lens, and the ccd accumulates the corresponding proportion of charge according to the intensity of light...

How video works

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The image of the photographed object is focused on the ccd chip through the lens, and the ccd accumulates the corresponding proportion of charge according to the intensity of light. The accumulated charge of each pixel is moved out point by point under the control of the video timing, and after filtering and amplifying processing, the video signal output is formed. The video signal is connected to the video input of the monitor or TV and the video image is the same as the original image.

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Extended data

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A device that performs image decomposition and optical signal conversion. Image decomposition is the process of decomposing a complete image into several independent pixels (the smallest unit of the television picture). Generally speaking, the greater the number of pixels, the clearer the image. Each pixel is represented by a single color and brightness. The camera device can convert the optical signal of each pixel in the image into the corresponding electrical signal, and then transmit it to the output end in a certain order.

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Image tube, electron beam device, can be divided into image tube, photomultiplier image tube, super orthicon tube and vidicon tube, etc. Small lead oxide iconoscope is often used in the new camera. Various vidicon tubes have a vacuum glass housing the target surface and electron gun.

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The subject is imaged to the target surface through the window on the glass shell, and the photoemission effect or photoconductivity effect of the target surface is used to convert the illuminance distribution of each point on the target surface into the corresponding potential distribution, and the optical image into the electrical image. Driven by the deflection coil outside the tube, the electron beam scans the target surface point by point and line by line, and outputs the potential signals of each pixel along the scanning path in sequence.

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Solid-state camera device, a novel charge-coupled device (CCD). Hundreds of thousands of device units are arranged into a front, and the surface layer has photosensitive characteristics. The subject is imaged on the front, and the amount of charge stored by each unit is proportional to the illuminance. By using the clock pulse and shift control signal, the signal of each unit of the front is moved out in a certain order, and the image electrical signal with the intensity changing with time can be obtained.