Here's how:1. Check whether the Xiaomi mop adapter is plugged in, whether it is in good contact with the back of the fast charger, and whether the socket has electricity.2. Check t...

Millet electric mop can not be charged how to do?

Here's how:

1. Check whether the Xiaomi mop adapter is plugged in, whether it is in good contact with the back of the fast charger, and whether the socket has electricity.

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2. Check the bottom of the charging seat, whether the metal shrapnel and the bottom shrapnel of the Xiaomi mop are dirty, resulting in poor contact with the recharge.

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3. Confirm whether the machine is manually placed on the backfill seat and not aligned.

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4, check the charging seat shrapnel and millet mop charging contact height is consistent.

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5, may be the charging seat location is remote, insufficient space resulting in automatic recharge failure.

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6, after sale test whether the millet mop failure.

My answer is this

1. It can be solved if the electric mop is not charged

2. Our electric mop can't be charged, that is, our power adapter is broken. According to the original adapter model, go to buy a new adapter, and then connect the electric mop, the mop will be charged, after the charging is completed, we can carry out normal use

Millet sweeping machine can not be charged, first check his power supply is not good? Then if the power contact is good, then you call a professional to open it to see if the battery inside is useful? If not, you can buy a battery online and install it in it