1. Add the first half pad, the principle is: After adding the first half pad, the circumference of the shoe head to the waist will become smaller, your feet are small, and you will...

Wear shoes that increase inside, the foot board will squeeze to the toe, how to do?

1. Add the first half pad, the principle is: After adding the first half pad, the circumference of the shoe head to the waist will become smaller, your feet are small, and you will not rush forward. Go to a professional shoe repair place, remove the shoes, put a bottom, (as long as the shoes are long, the master knows how to do), but the price is very expensive, it is better to buy a new pair.

3. It's good to soak in Ye Bangyin, the acidity of vinegar can make the harder place soft hair,

Wear shoes that increase in height, the foot will squeeze the shoe head, you can find a way to heat and soften the shoe head, and then make the shoe head space bigger by squeezing. General shoes are cowhide, you can use a wet towel to wet the shoes, and then use a steam iron to heat the shoes, and use a small wooden hammer to constantly beat the upper, so that the shoes become soft, so that you can alleviate the problem of squeezing feet.

You can put an extra layer of insole on the front part of the shoe. Wearing shoes that increase in height has become fashionable now, especially for shorter people, it is a Gospel that changes height and is not easy to be found, but the insole and front parts of the shoes that increase in height should maintain balance, wearing will not squeeze the shoe head or fall behind the heel, and walking will feel more stable!