When the capacitors are connected in series, the withstand voltage value of the equivalent capacitor will increase, equal to the sum of the withstand voltage values of the two capa...

Will the capacitor series voltage increase?

When the capacitors are connected in series, the withstand voltage value of the equivalent capacitor will increase, equal to the sum of the withstand voltage values of the two capacitors.

Because the direction of charging current of the series capacitor is the same, the charging voltage is also in the same direction, pointing to the direction of potential drop, and the two capacitor voltages are superimposed.

In actual use, due to the difference in capacitor parameters, there may be a phenomenon that the actual voltage is large and the other voltage is small, and there is a risk of being broken (breakdown) by each. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is often necessary to parallel divider resistors.

After two capacitors are connected in series, the total withstand voltage is the sum of the withstand voltage of the two capacitors. For example, two capacitors with a voltage of 50V are connected in series, and the total voltage is 100V, so the voltage is increased. But at the same time the total capacity will be reduced, the specific calculation method is as follows: the total capacity of the two capacitors after the series connection is equal to the product of the capacity of the two capacitors divided by the sum of the capacity of the two capacitors.

Parallel resistance will only reduce the resistance value, while series will increase the resistance value. The same is true of the capacitors in series but the voltage will change and the voltage of the capacitors in series will decrease, the parallel voltage will remain the same but the capacity will double, and the capacitors will only filter and couple the signal there.