One, loyalty (heartfelt will not be fired Units may fire capable employees, but for a loyal person, there will be no leaders willing to let him go, he will become the unit this iro...

What strengths should a cfo have?

One, loyalty (heartfelt will not be fired)

Units may fire capable employees, but for a loyal person, there will be no leaders willing to let him go, he will become the unit this iron camp in the longest soldier, and is the most promising employee.

1. Think from the boss's point of view;

2. Share your ideas with your superiors;

3, always safeguard the interests of the company;

4. Make money for the company;

2. Dedication (do one hour more than the boss every day)

With the progress of society, people's knowledge background becomes more and more similar. Academic qualifications and diplomas are no longer the primary requirements for companies to select employees. Many companies examine the first condition of employees is dedication, followed by professional level.

1. The purpose of work is not merely to be paid;

2. Provide services and efforts beyond remuneration;

3. Willing to make personal sacrifices for the work;

4, blur the concept of commuting, finish the work and then talk about rest;

5. Pay attention to every detail of your work.

3. Be spontaneous (don't wait for others to explain everything)

Don't wait for someone to explain everything, as long as a person can do everything spontaneously, even if the starting point is lower than others, there will be great development, spontaneous people are always welcome by the boss.

1, from \"want me to do\" to \"I will do\";

2, take the initiative to share some \"extra\" things;

3. Surprise your boss by doing before you talk;

4. Learn to volunteer;

5, high standard requirements: one step, do three steps;

6, take the initiative of the scale, do not rush to performance, limelight or even steal others' work.

4, responsible (absolutely no excuses, to ensure the completion of the task)

For those who assume responsibility, it is of great significance to the enterprise. A person's ability to work can be worse than others, but he must not lack a sense of responsibility. He will certainly lose the trust of his superiors by putting things off and looking for objective reasons without reflecting on himself.

1, the core of responsibility lies in the sense of responsibility;

2, do every little thing well;

3. Promise must be kept and action must be taken;

4, wrong is wrong, never make excuses;

5, let the problem of the ball to you;

Don't make a big mistake because of a little negligence.

5. Focus on efficiency (calculate your cost of use)

Efficient work habits are necessary for every person who can achieve success and are highly valued by every organization.

1, say \"goodbye\" to the poor and busy;

2, undistracted, dedicated;

3. Quantify and refine daily work;

4. Procrastination is the worst professional killer;

5, remember the priority, the important thing first;

6. Prevent perfectionism from becoming the enemy of productivity.

Six, result-oriented (insist on function, do not look at hard work)

\"Whether it is a black cat or a white cat, it is a good cat that can catch mice!\" Regardless of hard work and dexterity, employees who achieve results will be recognized by everyone. Enterprises value how much \"merit\" you have, rather than how much \"suffering\" you have.

1. Think about how to get things done in the first place;

2. There are always more solutions than problems;

3. Work smart, not just hard;

No conditions, create conditions;

5. Exceed your expectations.

Seven, good at communication (face to face, solve on the spot)

Those who are not good communicators, even if they have talent, are only one person's talent, which can neither be inherited nor improved; Good communicators, even mediocre ones, can learn by doing and ultimately realize their value.

1. Communication and gossip are two different things;

2, not saying and saying too much is a mistake;

3, with the plan to ask questions, face to face communication, solve on the spot;

4. Develop emotional intelligence to accept criticism;

Mind the overall situation, both good news and bad news;

6, there can be internal contradictions, external must be consistent.

Eight, cooperation (team advance, self-back)

Team ahead, ego back. No matter how strong the individual ability, as long as it hurts the team, the company will never let you stay long - don't think that without you, the team can't run!

1, drip into the sea, individual into the team;

2. Obey the general arrangement;

3, abide by the discipline to ensure combat effectiveness;

4, do not do the team's \"short board\

5. Think more about others and the team.

9. Be proactive (always keep up with the pace of the enterprise)

Individuals must always keep up with the pace of enterprises, enterprises must always keep up with the pace of the market; Whether it is the workplace or the market, whether it is an individual or a business, participants do not want to be eliminated. To this end, we must move forward, stop means give up, means out!

1, with an empty cup mentality to learn, to absorb;

2, don't always angry, but to strive;

3. Don't repeat one year's experience for ten years;

4. Squeeze time to \"increase\" and \"charge\" yourself;

5, develop their own \"comparative advantage\";

6. Challenge yourself and plan ahead.

10, low profile (high don't be proud)

Don't be proud, don't think that you don't say, don't preach, others can't see your credit. So don't show off in front of your colleagues.

1. Don't ask for credit;

2, overcome the psychology of \"overqualified\";

3. Don't pretend to be qualified;

All people, must respect;

5, strive to match the name, to match their own position;

Results are only the beginning, honor as motivation.

11, save (don't treat the boss's money as money)

Economy is not stinginess, but virtue. Do not treat the company's money as money, the company has it in the \"pot\

1, reimbursement accounts, must be honest;

2, do not play clever, not greedy for small cheap;

3, do not waste the company's resources, even if it is a piece of paper;

4, cherish every minute of work time;

5, every cost, to strive for maximum benefits;

6, remember: save, is profit!

Gratitude (Think about who made you who you are today)

Why do we allow ourselves to be negligent, but have so many complaints about others and the company? No matter how talented you are, you also need others to give you the opportunity to do things, and you need others to help you big or small. Your present happiness is not something you can achieve alone.

1. Your boss gives you a job.

2, work gives you not only pay, but also the opportunity to learn and grow;

3, colleagues give you cooperation in work;

4, customers help you create performance;

5. Opponents let you see distance and room for growth

6. Critics make you better yourself.

In order to have the ability to participate in the formulation of strategy, the CFO must be able to obtain information, extract information, understand the characteristics of the industry, the profitability of upstream and downstream enterprises in the value chain, and the operation of competitors. Use information technology to quickly and effectively summarize and analyze historical data, predict future development prospects, and find value growth points.

At the same time, the CFO needs to have the ability to execute strategy and implement the strategy in the field of financial management. Demonstrate the feasibility of the future strategy in a financial way, and propose a medium and long-term financial management plan for the implementation of the strategy. This is the CFO's hands-on role in strategy execution.

Good communication and collaboration skills

Information technology has unprecedentedly narrowed the distance between enterprises and people, and the relationship between enterprises and various stakeholders has become closer. Cfos should make \"communication and coordination skills\" their preferred competency.

As the provider of corporate financial information, the communication between CFO and shareholders, tax departments and other external stakeholders is essential. Effective communication between CFO and external stakeholders will create a harmonious external business environment for enterprises.

Within the enterprise, communication between the CFO and the CEO(chief executive officer), CIO(Chief information officer), COO(Chief Operating Officer) and other managers and employees is also very important. The CFO serves as a good adviser to the decision makers, makes professional judgments on investment projects and business directions, and has good communication with the CEO, which is conducive to proving the correctness of the CEO's decisions from a financial perspective. Coordinate business connections with other managers, discuss problems in information planning, process management, financial monitoring, and explore new business development prospects. Effective communication between managers will form a strong management team within the enterprise and create greater value outside the operation.

Professional financial information planning and utilization ability

In the information age, the enterprise system is not function oriented, but process oriented, and ultimately value oriented. Therefore, the CFO is responsible for the management of the enterprise system, including the financial management information system. In order to give full play to the advantages brought by information technology for enterprise informatization, CFO must have the planning ability and utilization ability of financial management informatization.

Financial management informatization provides technical support by information technology, the core idea is the flow and method of financial management. A CFO with knowledge of information technology has sufficient capacity and space to carry out planning work. The CFO should communicate with the CIO and COO to form a reasonable planning scheme.

With the comprehensive application of enterprise management information system, business data and financial data will be accumulated day by day. CFO should have the financial management information utilization ability. Conduct data mining analysis based on historical data, understand the implementation of enterprise strategy, find the law of enterprise development, and predict the future development trend.

Effective risk prevention and control ability

In the information age, enterprises face risks