Compared to Samsung and TSMC, TSMC is stronger.In the global semiconductor processing field, TSMC and Samsung can be said to be the two strongest, which is not only reflected in th...

Which is the best, TSMC or Samsung?

Compared to Samsung and TSMC, TSMC is stronger.

In the global semiconductor processing field, TSMC and Samsung can be said to be the two strongest, which is not only reflected in the market share, but also the leading foundry process. From a variety of data reports, in the processing technology of advanced process chips, TSMC is slightly better, and TSMC's market share also has an absolute advantage. From the process point of view, Samsung is indeed going hand in hand with TSMC, and the two have also achieved the mass production of 4nm chips and have been put into market use.

According to the latest news, analyst Guo Minge ??1 revealed on the social platform that TSMC will become Qualcomm's exclusive supplier of 5G flagship chips in 2023 and 2024, and according to Qualcomm's plan, several Snapdragon 8 and Snapdragon 8 5G flagships will be iterated in 2023 and 2024 The news further pointed out that the Snapdragon 8 Gen2, as the next-generation flagship chip of the Snapdragon 8 Gen1, is expected to be released in November this year, will be manufactured by TSMC, and may still use 4nm process.

That is to say, in the next two years, Samsung may have no chance with Qualcomm's flagship market, and this just shows some problems. However, Qualcomm made this choice is not unexpected, because the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 released some time ago is the use of TSMC 4nm process, and more importantly, the upgraded version of the heating problem has been greatly improved.

Samsung Group is amazing.

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The Samsung Group, South Korea's largest company, employs 450,000 people and has a huge influence in all industries in South Korea, bringing in a quarter of the country's economic revenue each year.

TSMC and Samsung Group are both well-known technology giants in the world, and each has a strong strength in the semiconductor industry. As the world's largest contract manufacturer, TSMC is known for its advanced process technology and high-quality products. Samsung Group is a conglomerate, covering various sectors such as electronics, telecommunications, and home appliances. Both have their own advantages in technology research and development, market share and financial strength. TSMC leads in process technology, while Samsung Group is more prominent in product diversity and brand influence. Therefore, it is not possible to simply say which is more powerful, but to evaluate according to specific indicators and needs.

TSMC and Samsung Group are both world-renowned semiconductor companies, and they have great similarities in technology and business, but there are also some differences.

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First of all, from the market value point of view, the current Samsung Group's overall market value of about 30 billion US dollars, while TSMC market value of about 258 billion US dollars, is the world's largest chip foundry, is one of the global chip three giants. TSMC is technically ahead of the Samsung Group, with its 5nm process leading the industry, while having a monopoly advantage in 7nm and below processes.

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Secondly, from the perspective of product types, Samsung Group has a number of companies, involving a number of fields, including electronic products, petrochemical, construction, finance, etc., while TSMC is focused on the field of chip foundry.

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Finally, from a regional perspective, Samsung Group has a high market share in South Korea and also operates globally, while TSMC is mainly focused on the Taiwan region of China and the Asian market.

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On the whole, Samsung Group and TSMC have their unique advantages and characteristics in different fields. It is impossible to simply say which is more powerful, but we need to choose the right enterprise according to the specific situation and needs.

The Samsung Group is actually a bit stronger. According to my personal understanding, TSMC and Samsung Group are both powerful large enterprises, but Samsung Group has many industries and its strength is much stronger than TSMC.