The Ola Good Cat 2024 uses an Intel A3940 chip. This chip is quad-core, rather than the Qualcomm 8155 chip implied in the previous official information. In fact, after the professi...

What chip is Euler Good Cat 2024?

The Ola Good Cat 2024 uses an Intel A3940 chip. This chip is quad-core, rather than the Qualcomm 8155 chip implied in the previous official information. In fact, after the professional testing of the owner, it is confirmed that the chip used in the intelligent cockpit system of Euler Good Cat is the quad-core A3940 chip released by Intel in 2016. In addition, although it is mentioned that the car system uses an Intel 8-core processor, the Euler Good Cat does not actually use this processor, but uses a quad-core A3940 chip