1, 4 bad news, first ministerial meeting 2, [Autobots] Chip wars: From defense to stalemate 3, The "lack of core tide" is coming! The global "arms race" in chip manufacturing has...

Raimondo says US will sell non-top chips to China (Raimondo says US will sell non-top chips to China)

4 bad news, first ministerial meeting of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework

On the 8th local time, the first ministerial meeting of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) led by the United States officially opened in Los Angeles, the United States BusinessMinister Raimundo said the meeting was a key part of developing the implementation framework. 2, the first news, local time on the 8th, the US-led "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" (IPEF) first ministerial meeting officially opened in Los Angeles, US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo said that the meeting is a key link in the development of the implementation of the framework. At present, four bad news came, concerning the interests of our country, extraordinary. ? First news, on September 2 local time, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced that it will conduct three batches of arms sales to Taiwan with A total price of 1.7 billion US dollars, including 100 A piecesIM-9X "Sidewinder" missiles, 60 AGM-84L-1 "Harpoon" anti-ship missiles and surveillance radar contracts, the overall content of the arms sale is to purchase additional equipment and maintenance support.

4, the world came four bad news, Europe's real big trouble is coming, the spectre of financial crisis is hovering in Europe, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may be escalating out of control, hunger is spreading in the world, Indonesia suddenly led to serious casualties football tragedy. We are celebrating the National Day and entering the third day of the holiday, but there are four bad news from the world. First bad news, a football tragedy in IndonesiaDefense to Stalemate '> [Autobots] Chip Wars: From Defense to Stalemate

Standing on the scale of 10 years Raimondo said the United States will sell non-top chips to China , China and the United States in the "chip war" Raimondo said the United States will sell non-top chips to China , Front mobile Raimondo said that the United States will sell non-top chips to China , and even the offensive and defensive type Raimondo said that the United States will sell non-top chips to China , which is likely to become a realityReal. But until then, the Chinese auto industry, as a customer of chips, has not yet experienced the pain of rebuilding the chip industry. Oems users have always been concerned, which depends on how the two sides in the future position the strategic significance of high-process chips (especially computing chips) and their equipment, whether it will continue to be weaponized, or will be included in the negotiating chip.

The result of the withdrawal of multinational car companies from Russia is not only that the market is lost to the Chinese, but also that the value elements of the whole industrial chain of Russian cars will be eaten by Chinese companies. Article/" Autobots "Huang Yaopeng toss Raimundo said the United States will sell to ChinaNon-top chip After more than nine months, Volkswagen's withdrawal from Russia finally has a decent end. On May 16th it emerged that Russian regulators had approved the sale of Volkswagen to the only bidder, a car dealer called Avilon.

Hyundai Motor inaugurated the Singapore Global Innovation Center on November 21, 2023. The new innovative technology base will be tasked with promoting breakthroughs in modern vehicle electrification technologies and electric vehicle manufacturing processes. The location of Singapore, from the official caliber of Hyundai Motor, is to see the talent of SingaporeResources, but its thirst for emerging markets in Southeast Asia is well known.

The more aggressive move of the United States is to form a "concerted action" with the EU, that is, to ask the EU to become tougher and more "American" in its auto industry policy toward China. Given that EU companies have more investment in China's automotive industry, a larger market, and deeper and broader commercial interests, it may not be in the EU's interest to fully follow the US. But the EU has also made many decisions that are not in its immediate interests, such as its policies during the Russia-Ukraine war.

This is a new trend since the development of new energy vehicles in the world's major industrial countries. China's "upstream" role is actually very broad, from raw materials to metal finished products, from battery components to battery capacity, and recently gradually doped with technology transfer authorization components. Upstream sanctions downstream, without regard to commercial interests, have a natural advantage.

Although the growth rate of high-end cars in June (2%) was much lower than the growth rate in January-June (17%), Automan still attributed the effect to the high base in June last year. On the whole, there is no downward trend in the premium car market. However, the competition has entered a period of deepening. New energy competition to the deep water newEnergy vehicles are just the opposite, from January to June, A-class cars (140.5 percent) and B-class cars (99 percent) rose much.

The "lack of core tide" is coming! The global "arms race" in chip manufacturing has begun

The global "arms race" in chip manufacturing has begun, and the existing structure of the semiconductor industry may be reshaped. From the changes in the proportion of semiconductor production capacity in various countries and regions, it can be found that Taiwan's semiconductor production capacity was almost zero in 1990, and has since expanded all the way to 2020This is the result of the rise of wafer foundries such as TSMC.

The shortage of chips will last for a long time. Due to the current COVID-19 epidemic, raw material prices in many regions have increased to varying degrees, including mineral resources and other materials that we often mention. In addition, labor costs and transportation costs are further increasing. After all, exports from many regions have been significantly curbed by the COVID-19 outbreak. Global chip manufacturing technology is not comprehensive.

The global core shortage tide is first caused by the increased demand for chips in various sectors of society. With the development of societyThe chip has been used in various industries in society, and the industry is increasingly dependent on the chip, which aggravates the chip shortage phenomenon; Second, chip manufacturing is difficult.

Global chip manufacturing efficiency is not high. In fact, in my opinion, I think the global chip shortage situation will last for a long time, because I think the global chip manufacturing efficiency is not high, and there is no way to have a relatively large supply.

The global "lack of core tide" for more than two years has gradually moved to "cut single tide" and "price cut tide", and the recent price of some chips on the market has even plummeted from more than 3,500 yuan toMore than 600 yuan, the price reduction of more than 80%. A person in charge of a long-term semiconductor supply chain enterprise confirmed the information of the chip price reduction in the industry to the "Science and Technology Board Daily" reporter, however, the other party is clear that the current is only a special case, and the price reduction is mainly for the chip varieties that have been "fierce".

A turnaround in Sino-US relations? Biden's China strategy has emerged, "cautious" or become the biggest feature.

Biden's rise to power, meansThere is a chance for a turnaround in US relations, and some of the early policies of the Biden administration suggest that this administration is markedly more cautious on China. Gina Raimondo, Biden's nominee for commerce secretary, recently announced that "the United States will conduct detailed consultations with Allies to jointly develop a common strategy for Chinese companies."

Current international status of Huawei

1, the status quo is as follows: Market: on the occasion of US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo's visit to China, Huawei released a new mobile phone Mate60Pro, and used an independent domestic chipIt means that China is no longer worried about being restricted by the US and Europe. In terms of security: The German government announced that after evaluation, the 5G equipment of Huawei and other Chinese companies was confirmed to have no security risks. This statement will impact the US and European markets and affect the deployment of the US science and technology war against China.

2, the current situation is that after the tens of millions of chips that TSMC rushed to produce for Huawei are used up, Huawei will have no core available, which not only involves Huawei's mobile phone and other businesses, but also involves notebook, watch and other businesses. Huawei's supply chain is in urgent need of restructuring and cannot involve American technology. This series of reasons led to the shortage of Huawei productsThe goods distributed online and offline decreased significantly compared with the same period last year.

3, Huawei's future development is difficult in fact, we have long expected that Huawei will lose a large number of foreign markets because of sanctions and restrictions in other countries. First of all, Huawei must solve the current situation of the lack of chips for mobile phones and other electronic devices, and strive to reach the top level of chip production, so that Huawei has a chance to regain its development potential.

4, the research status of Huawei at home and abroad is as follows: Huawei is an excellent science and technology leading enterprise in China, and has made great contributions to the progress of domestic technologyIts own Kirin chip has been recognized by many Chinese people and occupies a large number of market shares. However, Huawei's revenue fell for the first time last year due to the sanctions imposed by the United States on Huawei. The sanctions did have a significant impact on Huawei, and Huawei's high-end chips are in short supply.

Who came to the United States on the day of the Huawei sale

1. U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raymond. According to the query 40 degree observation, on August 29, Huawei Mall issued a letter to Huawei Users, which will not be officially released Mate60Pro in advanceLine for sale. The launch of the new phone coincided with the visit of U.S. Commerce Secretary Raymond Mundo to China, and Chinese state media seemed to use the opportunity to convey a message suggesting that the United States had failed in its technological war with China.