2024年芯片排行榜ichaiyang 2024-05-07 23:06 54
IBM announced the 2nm process chip, compared with the 7nm process, its performance can be improved by 45%, and power consumption is reduced by 75%, is expected to be mass produced...

When will the 2nm chip come out?

IBM announced the 2nm process chip, compared with the 7nm process, its performance can be improved by 45%, and power consumption is reduced by 75%, is expected to be mass produced in 2024, and according to TSMC's plan, it is expected that in 2023, 2nm will be put into trial production, also in 2024 large-scale mass production.

Some experts said that it is expected that in the second half of 2020, there will be 4 nano process chips available, 2022 will enter the mass production stage, in the next 2 to 3 years, 5 nm and 4 nm will still be the mainstream. According to news media reports, SMIC's current trial production of FinFETN+2 process is close to the 7-nanometer process.