2024年芯片排行榜ichaiyang 2024-05-07 23:06 45
Top stories for February 2024 include:Affected by the weather, the normal rate of the national flight operation is 88%, there are light snow weather in the northern part of North C...

What are the major national news stories in February 2024?

Top stories for February 2024 include:

Affected by the weather, the normal rate of the national flight operation is 88%, there are light snow weather in the northern part of North China, Liaodong Peninsula to Shandong Peninsula, Hunan to the south of Anhui Province, there are sleet or freezing rain weather, some airports such as Changsha, Qingdao, Hohhot affected, and Wuhan airport due to low deicing efficiency, the normal rate of take-off is only 35%.

In terms of culture and sports, as Messi did not play, it caused the dissatisfaction of fans and the public, and the organizers and the Miami International team need to apologize and account to the people of Hong Kong.

In terms of economy, the CSRC stressed that it should strictly crack down on major illegal acts such as market manipulation, malicious short selling, insider trading, and fraudulent issuance in accordance with the law, and encourage and support all kinds of investment institutions to increase counter-cyclical layout and guide more medium and long-term funds to enter the market.

In terms of Cross-Strait relations, the United States plans to send an \"explanation mission\" to Taiwan to convey its position on the mainland's chip ban, which has caused market concern.

In the field of technology, there are rumors that Huawei is developing a \"three-fold screen phone\

In social news, the roof of a vegetable market in South County of Yiyang, Hunan Province collapsed due to snow, killing one person and injuring 13 others.

In the energy sector, China Electricity Council news shows that the proportion of coal power installed capacity in China dropped to 39.9% at the end of 2023, falling below 40% for the first time.

The above information is for reference only, it is recommended to pay attention to related news websites for more comprehensive news information.