led光源芯片ichaiyang 2024-07-13 12:27 45
1, What is the difference between LED beads and LED chips? 2, led chip type and advantages and disadvantages 3, Top 10 global led chip brands What is the difference between LED...

led Light source chip (led Light source chip brand)

What is the difference between LED beads and LED chips?

1, the main body of different LED chips: also known as led light chip, is the core component of led lights, that is, refers to the P-N junction. A solid-state semiconductor device. Lamp bead: light emitting diode abbreviation for LED. Wafer: is the core part of the LED, a single grain is fixed on the plastic or ceramic chip base.

2, the light concentration of the two is different, and the range is different: the Angle of the LED lamp bead is very small, which belongs to the lightThe line is relatively concentrated, the range is very far, but the irradiation range is limited; The general Angle of the LED patch is very large, which belongs to the relatively scattered light, wide irradiation range, but the range is relatively close. The luminescence method used is different: LED lamp beads are used for discharge luminescence, and LED patches are used for cold luminescence.

3, LED chip is the core of LED light, it is just a small box, there are positive and negative electrode 2 solder joints. The LED lamp bead is the positive and negative electrodes of the LED chip are connected to the bracket through the gold wire respectively to form a loop, and then the fragile gold wire and chip are protected with colloidsGet up as a whole. 4, in addition, the LED light chip has a long life, which can reach tens of thousands of hours, which is longer than the traditional light bulb life, reducing the frequency and maintenance costs of replacing the light bulb. Secondly, the lamp bead is the luminous part of the solar street lamp. The lamp bead is composed of multiple LED lamp chips, which emit light through the drive of an electric current. The advantage of the lamp bead is that its luminous effect is more uniform, which can provide a softer lighting effect.

5, LED chip is a solid-state semiconductor device, it can directly convert electricity into light. It is the heart of the LED lamp bead. And LEDThe lamp bead is attached to one end of the LED chip on a bracket, one end is the negative electrode, and the other end is connected to the positive electrode of the power supply, so that the entire chip is encapsulated by epoxy resin and composed of a luminous body.

6, the quality of the chip directly affects the quality of the lamp beads, not you say deep, afraid you listen more boring, the service life of the lamp beads should not be called shelf life, that is, the ability to prevent color decay.

Types and advantages and disadvantages of led chips

LED chips are mainly sapphire substrate, silicon substrate and silicon carbide substrate three kinds of sapphireSubstrate: The market share ranks first, is from the Japanese company's patented technology. The main advantages are: good chemical stability, does not absorb visible light, moderate price, relatively mature manufacturing technology; Disadvantages: The poor electrical conductivity is overcome by P and N electrodes on the same side; Difficult mechanical cutting is overcome by laser scribing technology.

LED lamps use low-voltage power supply, in this case, the general chip can be, the key is not the chip, is the heat dissipation design of the lamp and the quality of the constant current power supply. The power supply voltage used by the chip is generally DC low voltage, constant current appliances are very key, if the quality of the constant current power supply is no problem, thenTest the temperature of the lamp, solve the heat dissipation, and the rest are no problem. But it is best not to use DC12V input voltage, the circuit board is not good design.

LED chip type LPE: LiquidPhaseEpitaxy (liquid phase epitaxy) GaP/GaP. VPE: VaporPhaseEpitaxy (Gas phase epitaxy) GaAsP/GaAs.

LED chip chip is characterized by the production of chips, do not do packaging, so the quality of the packaging process has a great impact on LED. LED chip is characterized by powerRate integrated chips, which are generally used in floodlights, are very advantageous in the field of surface light sources. LED chip Corui is characterized by point light source, brand influence, lumen, and other average performance is very good.

Choose the right LED chip The first step in making a projector LED is to choose the right LED chip. At present, the commonly used LED chips on the market are InGaN chip, AlInGaP chip, GaAs chip and so on. Different chips have different advantages and disadvantages. InGaN chip has high luminous efficiency, but small lamp bead; AlInGaP chip has high brightness and long lifeled chip brand '> Top 10 global led chip brands

1. Taiwan LED chip manufacturers: Epistar (Lianquan, Yuan Kun, Yonglian, Guolian), Huga, Genesis Photon, Arima Optoelectronics, etc. Taiwan LED chip manufacturers: AOC (Liansheng), Tekcore, Qili, Juxin, Hongguang, etc. Mainland LED chip manufacturers: SAN An Optoelectronics, Shanghai Epilight, Slam Ming chip, Dalian Lumei, Yuandi Optoelectronics and so on.

2, Germany Osram, as the world's second largest photoelectric semiconductor manufacturer, provides lightingMultiple products such as sensors and image processors. Japan's Nichia Chemical is the pioneer of blue leds and pure green leds. Toyoda Gosei not only produces auto parts, but the LED business accounts for 10% of its revenue, showing its diversification in the field. As the world's leading LED supplier, Agilent provides efficient and reliable light sources for automotive, electronic information boards and other fields.

3, China Star (Ledtech electronics), East Bay (UnityOptoTechnology), Para optoelectronics, Everlight Electronics, BrighTLED electrons), gold (Kingbright) bright, LingSen precision industry (LingsenPrecisionIndustries), the target, electronic, Lite - OnTechnology, HARVATEK, etc.