iPhone 13 battery capacity of 4352mAh, they are matched with the charging head from 5W to 96W, the test found that iPhone 13 with Apple 96W charging head, in the front 2 minutes 49...

iphone13 battery power?

iPhone 13 battery capacity of 4352mAh, they are matched with the charging head from 5W to 96W, the test found that iPhone 13 with Apple 96W charging head, in the front 2 minutes 49s before the voltage is 5V input, the power is about 13W, at this time the phone is in the state of off charging.

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Then the phone is turned on, and then the voltage is adjusted to 9V fast charge, and the power begins to climb to about 26.6W, and then the power begins to be about 26.6W to 11W

From the four iPhone 13 charging power, it can be seen that the level of charging power is proportional to the battery capacity of the phone, the battery capacity of up to 4352mAh iPhone 13 Pro Max model, the maximum power is close to 27W, can run the power limit of 9V3A PDO; iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 These two models are almost...