无线充小说ichaiyang 2024-07-07 8:16 38
1. The protagonist goes to America to be with beautiful women and to travel to Fury Road. The novel? 2, Which protagonists are infinite stream novels 3. Which of the Three Body...

Wireless charging novel (Wireless charging technology novel)

The protagonist goes to America to be with beautiful women and to travel to Fury Road. The novel?

1, the protagonist went to the back of the United States to give me a lot of novels together to cross the Fury road, such as some related to some wireless and so on.

2, recommended still life write smallSaid that the prequel "The strongest inside line in history" in the middle of the "Basketball Emperor" after the "Front line the world" are very good, written are interesting things in the nba.

3, the protagonist in the end of the beauty of the novel have "the end of the devil", "My girlfriend is a zombie", "I have a suite in the last days", "the beauty of the last days bodyguard", "the last days of the Silver Wing fantasy". "The end of the day" author ten steps Fu Tu, has completed the book, 4.09 million words. The human race is not extinct, and the sun still shines on the world. A surviving scavenger, walking in the wilderness of destruction, dreaming of the distant future.

4. One about the Song DynastyThe story of the killer traveling to the online game Jianghu... It seems that some people say that there is no story in this world that can't be finished in three sentences. Sure enough, actually finished with a sentence wireless fiction ! Then add two sentences good - through too much, too much online games, Wuxia too. So through online game Wuxia = wireless fiction ? Click in to see. 1 Wulin MOE Master/Dark/Wuxia ◇ "I want to be the Wulin Leader!" - This is Su Xiaowu's latest goal.

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6, "My strange life" the protagonist first crossed into the main God space, and then out of the "box", poorThey collected what they could not, even Nuwa and Pangu.

Which protagonists are infinite stream novels

The Escape game of Qi Wushan Wireless fiction turns the escape game into a business opportunity for solving puzzles wireless fiction . 1 "Ke Xun Strayed into the Horror of the painting world" decryption and teamwork wireless fiction , become an excellent work in the infinite stream. 1 "Xiao Lou Card Chamber of Secrets"The interweaving of entanglement, reasoning and escape makes the reader feel as if he were personally involved. 1 "The End of the Infinite Stream Novel" Although the ending of some stories may be controversial, they all provide readers with a rich reading experience.

"Only I am normal in the world" : This is an infinite stream novel, the protagonist has a special ability to overcome various demons and ghosts in the supernatural world. The character of the protagonist is distinct, the battle process is tense and exciting, and it is an excellent novel.

"The Wings of Frost" - author: Salted Fish Duke This book is a DNDWhite dragon as the background of infinite stream novel. The main character has the ability to travel, but this is more of an add-on. The main line of the story is the protagonist's pursuit of freedom and the story of becoming the peak of the dragon. The design of the early copy is amazing, and the later version will be like the "Spirit of the Halberd" and other house copies.

"The Days of being a spiritual teacher in Meman.com" is written by Yuemaki Yaki Rope, which is a profound and full of clever thinking of Meman.com fan works. The protagonist of the story travels to the DC universe, he can travel freely between the Marvel and DC worlds through Goldfinger, and has a chat group,Can communicate with characters from both worlds and access their superpowers. The content of the novel includes not only the wisdom of the various characters, but also the warm everyday things.

"Super string space" is an infinite stream network novel serialized by Taotie Hushi in Chinese network. The protagonist of the story, Xu Mo, was an ordinary civil servant who lost his family in an unexpected car accident. "Death List" "Death List" describes a horrific murder that shocks the city. A couple were killed, their five-year-old stepdaughter lying unconscious and their eight-year-old stepson bleeding all over. The evidence points to the teenager as the killer.

Which of the Three Body Problem scenarios have already been researched and are likely to come true in how many years?

The Three-Body Problem, a science fiction novel written by Liu Cixin, has gained a great reputation in the world, which also triggered people's thinking about the contents of the Three-Body Problem. In the novel, the author Liu Cixin describes the bright future of human civilization to the readers with concise brushwork. In fact, some of the sets in the Three-Body Problem have made progress in the field of real science research. It may even come true in the future.

If Earth people really want to colonize the past, there must be rocky planets there first, otherwise taking the Earth to wander - Liu Cixin's "Wandering Earth" destination is precisely this three-body system - at least in the foreseeable future is impossible. However, this problem has now been resolved. Not long ago, the journal Nature Communications published A general article announcing the discovery of planets near Star A, and within the habitable zone of Star A.

The three stars in South Gate II have been in stable orbits for billions of years, andAnd it will continue to be stable in the future. In South Gate II, the two larger stars, South Gate II A and B, are closer together and form a binary system. The third star, Proxima Centauri, is A smaller red dwarf orbiting the South Porta II and B binary systems in the distance.

LTT 1445Ab, a rocky planet slightly larger than Earth, 25 light-years away, orbits the largest star in a three-star system. The stars in the system are all red dwarfs, which are smaller and cooler than our sun.

In the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem", humans in order to resist