无线充PID程序ichaiyang 2024-07-07 8:13 30
1, About collecting IO port voltage 2, How to design the digital PID control system based on single chip microcomputer? Simulation with Matlab,Protel, to achieve... 3, Find the...

Wireless charging PID program (wireless charging principle video)

About collecting IO port voltage

The basic idea is to set the automatic continuous conversion of wireless charging in the initialization programPID program , and then read the results in the interrupt service program (each interrupt gets a channel conversion result value).

MCU 5v power supply, each IO port output voltage is 5V use 5V power supply, IO output high voltage level should be calculated according to 5V.

Generation sa and io voltage 3-4 suitable, the voltage should not be too high, beyond this range is not good for the machine. I/O input and output are divided into I/O devices and I/O interfaces.

TTL, ABT, AHCT, HCT, ACT,Input greater than 2V is high | | input less than 0.8V is low Wireless charging PID program ; The STM32 has two types of IO pins: TTL and CMOS, and all pins are compatible with TTL and CMOS levels. In other words, from the input recognition voltage, all pins (whether TTL pins or CMOS pins) can recognize TTL or CMOS levels.

The io interface in the portable experimental instrument uses the way of changing the test voltage to achieve the purpose of voltage distribution. When determining the output voltage indicator value of the instrument is 0Insert one end of the high voltage test line (red) into the AC high voltage output end of the instrument, and connect the other end with the power input end of the measured object or other live parts.

This is related to the 51 SCM power supply voltage: 3V power supply: SCM IO port 1 when the voltage is about 3V, 0 when the voltage is close to 0V about 0.1V. The output current capacity of the IO port of the MCU is related to the model, generally around 1mA~20mA, and the low-level output capacity is strong. The actual output current depends on the load size of the rear stage and the port output mode (push-pull, strong pull-up, weak pull-up).

How to design the digital PID control system based on single chip microcomputer? Simulation with Matlab,Protel, to achieve...

③MATLAB product family: one of their features is that there are many application-oriented toolboxes and simulation blocks, including a complete set of functions for image signal processing, control system design, neural networks and other special applications for analysis and design. It has the functions of data acquisition, report generation and MATLAB language programming to generate independent C/C code.

Protel: It is a drawing circuitBoard software, that is, we are familiar with the PCB board, mainly in the electronics industry can be used, use it to design circuits, produce PCB, to achieve industrial production of a process (this in the university school is OK, but there is no engineering practice, so unfamiliar).

MATLAB, Mathematica and Maple are called the three major mathematical software. It is one of the best in numerical computation in mathematical science and technology application software. MATLAB can carry out matrix operations, draw functions and data, implement algorithms, create user interfaces, connect programs in other programming languages, etcIn engineering calculation, control design, signal processing and communication, image processing, signal detection, financial modeling design and analysis and other fields.

SCM course design content. It is best to use assembly language, if not, C language can also be used. We need everybody to move fast. The middle four of the six digital tubes represent the four directions of the southeast and northwest, and the upper, middle and lower three horizontal segments of the digital tubes represent the three lights of red, green and yellow, respectively. When the green light turns yellow, the yellow light flashes twice. The 8XX51 achieves this function. Preferably with a schematic diagram of the circuit. thank you.

Find the following VID, PID value of the USB wireless card brand model [add 200 points]

1, detailed information display: the device VID, PID and SN code is the key identification of USB devices, chipgenius for your science, VID is the manufacturer to the standard organization application code, PID is the manufacturer custom, they together constitute the unique identity of the device. In addition, chipgenius also provides USB device vendor information, device revision number, which are useful to professionalsIt is especially useful for scholars.

2. Yes. PID/VID uniquely identifies a device. HardwareID is for system identification. It is generated based on PID/VID. This has nothing to do with the serial number, which is usually the information that the manufacturer has solidified into the chip. The GUID is simply a sign that your installed device belongs to a class that can be displayed in the device Manager.

3, cid=cn_ppc_support_zhidao_Kies_20130407 then operate the mobile phoneI think we've found the driver.