手机芯片排行榜ichaiyang 2024-05-07 23:03 18
Samsung's most powerful phone chipThe first place is well deserved Exynos990, Samsung Exynos990 can be said to be Samsung's most high-end processor chip. It uses the latest 7nm EUV...

Samsung's 10 strongest phone chips?

Samsung's most powerful phone chip

The first place is well deserved Exynos990, Samsung Exynos990 can be said to be Samsung's most high-end processor chip. It uses the latest 7nm EUV process. On the kernel side, the 990 uses two large A76 cores and four small A cores. In addition, there are two self-developed M5 processors. 2. The second place is Exynos980. 3. The third place is Exynos9825. 4. The fourth place is Exynos9820. 5. The fifth place is Exynos9810.

No. 1 is Orion 1080, No. 2 is Orion 990, and No. 3 is Orion 1020