组织芯片ichaiyang 2024-07-05 13:14 42
1. Describe the principle and classification of biochips. 2. What are the similarities and differences between tissue chips and DNA chips and protein chips 3. How does the How d...

Tissue chip (Tissue chip meter)

Describe the principle and classification of biochips.

1. Biochips can be divided into gene chips, protein chips, cell chips, tissue chips and lab-on-a-chip according to the fixed biomolecules and materials. The biochips commonly used in clinical biochemistry are mainly genearrays and proteinarrays, also known as protein microarrays (proteinmic)roarrays and Lab-on-a-chip.

2, because the mainstream technology has not yet been formed, there are many forms of biochips, which are divided into matrix materials, including nylon film, glass sheet, plastic, silicone chip, micro magnetic beads, etc.; According to the types of biological signals detected, there are nucleic acids, proteins, biological tissue fragments and even complete living cells; According to the working principle, there are hybrid type, synthetic type, connection type, affinity recognition type and so on.

3, Biochip, also known as gene chip (Genechip) or DNAchip (DNAchip),It refers to the robot controlled by large-scale integrated circuit regularly synthesizes thousands of oligonucleotide probes or liquid phase synthesis probes representing different genes on the surface of nylon membrane or silicon wafer solid phase support, and then points samples on the solid phase support surface by the display device or robot.

4, biological analysis chips can be divided into two-dimensional analysis chips and three-dimensional analysis chips according to the different distribution of functional microstructure on the carrier. The two-dimensional analysis chip relies on biomolecules fixed on the surface of the carrier to detect biochemical reactions. The most common two-dimensional chips are two-dimensional array chips (Microarray), including gene chips and protein chipsObject chip series. DNA chips are relatively simple, which is to pre-print a nucleotide fragment containing the target gene sequence on the chip, and then cross the labeled sample with it.

2, the difference between the tissue chip and the DNA chip and the protein chip is that the sample is different. The tissue chip technology is mainly for the detection technology of the tissue sample, the DNA chip is for the nucleotide fragment containing the target gene sequence, and the protein chip is mainly used to study the interaction between DNA and protein.

3, tissue chip: a new milestone in biological research Tissue chip, as a molecular generationA revolutionary technology in the field of physics, with a unique morphological design, the micro-tissue samples are orderly arranged on a single carrier, which is hailed as another masterpiece of biotechnology after gene chip and protein chip.

4, the protein chip technology is similar to the gene chip, the difference is that the lattice is loaded with protein molecules, using fluorescently labeled known antibodies or ligands together with the protein on the chip to competitively bind, read the fluorescence intensity on the scanner, and then the computer analysis results for large-scale screening of protein expression. The tissue chip immobilizes tiny tissue blocks that can be morphologically, immunohistochemically, and protoscopicallyBit hybridization and PCR were examined.

How does a tissue chip work differently than a gene chip?

1. The tissue chip is made by selecting pathological tissue and placing it in the paraffin block after drilling, which is actually a collection of tissues. The gene chip is a method of nucleic acid sequence determination by hybridizing with a group of nucleic acid probes with known sequence, and fixing the octonucleotide probe with known sequence on the surface of a substrate.

2. Comparison between tissue chip and DNA chip and protein chip:Tissue chip, gene chip and protein chip together constitute the biochip series. DNA chips are relatively simple, which is to pre-print a nucleotide fragment containing the target gene sequence on the chip, and then cross the labeled sample with it.

3. Different from traditional nucleic acid in situ hybridization or immunohistochemistry, tissue chips integrate multiple detection tasks at once. The former is detected gene by gene and tissue by tissue, while the tissue chip can observe the expression of multiple genes or tissues on a single slice at the same time, realizing the diversification of a single detection. This makes the role of tissue chips in studying complex biological systems impossibleComplete substitution of gene or protein chip.

4. Research at the three levels of genome, transcriptome and proteome has been hailed as a revolution in the field of medicine and biology. The difference between tissue chip and DNA chip and protein chip is that the samples targeted are different. Tissue chip technology is mainly aimed at the detection technology of tissue samples, DNA chip is aimed at nucleotide fragments containing target gene sequences, and protein chip is mainly used to study the interaction between DNA and proteins.

How does a tissue chip work differently than a gene chip? What are the main advantages in...

1, tissue chip is selected pathological tissue placed in the paraffin block after drilling to make a tissue chip , which is actually a collection of tissues. Gene chip is a method of nucleic acid sequence determination through hybridization with a group of nucleic acid probes with known sequences. An octanucleotide probe with known sequence was fixed on the surface of a substrate.

2, organizationThe advantage of the chip is its potential for large-scale research, standardized operation and high efficiency. However, the heterogeneity of tumor samples and the high cost of equipment limit its wide application. Still, as technology advances and costs decrease, the future of tissue chips in biomedical research is undoubtedly bright.

3, tissue chip and gene chip and protein chip together constitute the biochip series. DNA chips are relatively simple, which is to pre-print a nucleotide fragment containing the target gene sequence on the chip, and then cross the labeled sample with it.