: Kecongboard account opening answer refers to the multiple choice test required when applying for opening a securities account of Kecongboard, a total of 10 qu...

2023 Science and technology board open test question Correct answer?

      Kecongboard account opening answer refers to the multiple choice test required when applying for opening a securities account of Kecongboard, a total of 10 questions, full score of 10, candidates need to reach 6 points and above to pass. The following are the correct answers to ten questions and related instructions:

1. What is the first company listed on the Science and Technology Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange in China?

Answer: Witto Shares.

Description: Witu Shares is one of the first listed companies on the Science and Technology Board and was listed on the Science and Technology Board on July 22, 2019.

2, China's first commercial satellite Chang 'e 1 used?

Answer: Long March-3B carrier rocket.

Explanation: Chang 'e-1, China's first lunar exploration satellite, was launched in 2007 on a Long March 3B carrier rocket.

3. Which of the following industries is called \"China Core\"?

Answer: Integrated circuit industry.

The integrated circuit industry is known as \"China core\

4. Which company is the largest wind turbine blade manufacturer in the global market?

Answer: Goldwind.

Description: Goldwind is the largest wind turbine blade manufacturer in the global market, headquartered in Xinjiang, China.

5. Which of the following names does not belong to blockchain applications?

Answer: Cloud computing.

Cloud computing is not the name of blockchain application, but refers to an Internet-based computing method and service model.

6. After the launch of the euro, which of the following countries did not join the eurozone?

Answer: The UK.

Explanation: The United Kingdom is a member of the European Union, but has not joined the euro zone and has retained its own monetary system.

7. Which of the following is not a trading section of the Shanghai Stock Exchange?

Answer: SME board.

Note: The SME board is not the trading plate of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, it belongs to the trading plate of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

8, can be listed on the science and technology board should meet the conditions do not include?

Answer: High gross margins.

Note: Companies that can be listed on the science and technology board should meet a number of conditions, including research and development investment, scientific and technological content, innovation ability, core technology, etc., but does not include the condition of high gross profit margin.

9. In October 2014, China successfully implemented the Chang 'e-5 lunar exploration project for the first time.

Answer: Lunar sample return.

Explanation: Chang 'e 5 is part of China's lunar exploration program, with the primary mission of collecting lunar samples and returning them to Earth.

10. According to the Provisions on the Administration of Internet Electronic Announcement Services, listed companies should disclose major matters in which of the following ways?

Answer: The news media.

According to the Provisions on the Administration of Internet Electronic Announcement Services, listed companies shall disclose major matters through the Internet, newspapers, news media and other means.

As for the opening test of the science and technology board, there is no official announcement of the specific test questions and correct answers. The Science and Technology Board is a kind of stock market segment launched by the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2019 to serve enterprises with high-tech, high-growth and innovative characteristics, and play a role in promoting scientific and technological innovation and economic transformation and upgrading. If you need information about the Board, you can refer to the relevant notices and regulations issued by official bodies such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Science and technology board account essential investment knowledge test question bank

single choice

1. Which of the following options is not a condition that individual investors should meet to participate in the stock trading of the Science and Technology Board (B).

A. The daily assets in the securities account and capital account shall not be less than 500,000 yuan (excluding the funds and securities invested by the investor through margin financing) in the 20 trading days prior to the opening of the application permission.

B. More than 6 months of experience in securities trading

C. Participating in securities trading for more than 24 months

D. Through the member organizations of the science and technology board stock investor suitability comprehensive assessment

2, investors to participate in the science and technology board stock trading, should use (B).

A. Derivatives contract account

B. Shanghai A-share securities account

C. TA account opened in a securities company

D. Shenzhen securities account

3. The way investors participate in the stock trading of the Science and Technology Board, excluding (D).

A. Auction trading

B. Fixed price trading after hours

C. Block trading

D. Over-the-counter trading

4. The following statement about the after-hours fixed price trading of the shares of the Science and Technology Board is incorrect (D).

A. The time for the SSE to accept investors' closing price declaration is 9:30 to 11:30 and 13:00 to 15:30 on each trading day

B. The after-hours fixed price trading hours are from 15:05 to 15:30 of each trading day, and the stocks that are still suspended at 15:00 on the same day will not be traded at after-hours fixed price

C. Where customers buy or sell shares of the Science and Technology Board through after-hours fixed price trading, they shall submit an order for closing pricing

D. Investors can only file after-hours fixed price trades between 15:05 and 15:30 of each trading day

5. Investors shall participate in the stock trading of the Science and Technology Board in the form of market price declaration, excluding the following (C).

A. The optimal five files instant transaction surplus cancellation declaration

B. Declaration of the remaining transfer limit price of the best five instant transactions

C. Declare the best price for both parties

D. Counterparty best price declaration

6. The following statement about the rise and fall of the science and Technology board stock bidding is incorrect (C).

A. The Shanghai Stock Exchange imposes A 20% limit on the price rise or fall of the stock bidding on the Science and Technology Board