1, True feelings, full keyboard, Apple computer is also easy to use! Dual Feiyan Dual mode Wireless Keyboard FBK25 Reviews 2. ... Film keyboard/static capacitive keyboard/game key...

Esports wireless keyboard Wireless charging (Wireless keyboard wireless charging)

True feelings, full keyboard, Apple computer is also easy to use! Dual Feiyan Dual mode Wireless Keyboard FBK25 Evaluation

This dual Swift wireless Bluetooth keyboard FBK25 comes withThe complete numeric keyboard, as well as del, end, page up and other function keys, fit my use habits. The dual Swift Wireless Bluetooth keyboard FBK25 is not only a full-size keyboard, but also brings the functions of the keyboard to the fullest. Not only a multi-function device slot is set in the upper left corner of the keyboard, but also supports dual-function keyboard positions and multi-platform keyboard layout switching for windows, MAC and other system platforms.

... Film keyboard/Electrostatic capacitive keyboard/gaming keyboard/ Bluetooth keyboard/Wireless keyboard Overview

1, the three core types of mechanical keyboard, with its rich shaft body choice, such as Cherry MX red shaft, tea shaft, or domestic Gateron, Kai Hua shaft, such as VGN V98Pro V2 and ROG Ranger 2 RX, to provide a unique feel experience. Thin film keyboard, light and easy to handle, is a beginner's choice, such as the Cherry KC1000, cost-effective.

2, mechanical keyboard. Mechanical keyboard has long life, sensitive trigger, small change in key feel, strong paragraph sense and resilience, and can do 6 keys or evenFull key no impact, support to change the key cap, with RGB light effect. Film keyboard. The film keyboard is usually rich in variety, fashionable and thin in appearance, easy to carry, low noise, strong sealing, good dustproof and waterproof performance, low price and high cost performance. Electrostatic capacitive keyboard.

3, because the patent of the capacitor switch is in the hands of Topre company in Japan, the Topre axis is the most traditional electrostatic capacitance axis. If you want to describe the feel of Topre axis, it is the feel of black axis film, the experience is very special, currently only Topre company's keyboard brandHHKB and RealForce are equipped with Topre axes.

What wireless keyboard is good for playing games?

[Experience] IKBC W200 Wireless Mechanical keyboard: The ideal choice for light office gaming During the promotion, I started the IKBC W200 wireless mechanical keyboard, as a product designed for light office and gaming, it is very cost-effective. As the pursuit of desktop simplicity office party, wireless is the primary reason why I choose it. Prior to IKBCInfluenced by the good performance of the C87 Red Axis, I decided to give it another try, this time choosing the Tea Axis version.

New league (Technology) game performance: fever level recommended reasons: very easy to use keyboard, typing games are very handy, super comfortable, the size is not very large, not very much space, the key is a new style, feel very good, the word on the keyboard key is large and clear, the word is a two-color injection molding.

Logitech K380 Wireless keyboard: Logitech is a well-known brand of computer peripherals with reliable quality. The K380 is a mini wireless keyboard with Bluetooth connectivity