5v稳压芯片有哪些ichaiyang 2024-06-30 11:16 15
1, What are the 24V to 5V and 12V to 5V chips, specificallyWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of each, thank you very much! _ Hundred... 2, Design a circuit with 12~24V in...

What are the 5v voltage regulator chips (What are the brands of 5v regulator chips)

What are the 24V to 5V and 12V to 5V chips, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, thank you very much! _ One hundred...

1, if the current is only about 200MA, you can use LM7805. LM7805 is a linear power supply IC (the limit input voltage is 36V), the main problem is that the loss is relatively large when 24V to 5V, the heat is relatively serious, you can add heat sink, the peripheral circuit is simple. 2, it is recommended to use LM2576-0V, this is a switching voltage regulator power module, it is also very convenient to use, as long as a few parts can be (LM257 diode 1N582 plus a 100uH inductor), the power module has 5 pins, one is ONThe /OFF pin can control the shutdown of the output.

3, with LM2576T-5, this switching regulator is the most commonly used, the market is also easy to buy, the maximum output current 3A. Or use LM2575T-5 (maximum output current 1A). 4, if the working current of the single chip microcomputer is very small, such as only ten Ma or less, then the 7805 linear regulator to stabilize 24V to 5V output is the simplest way. If the single-chip current is large, then use the switching regulator LM2576-5.

5, V to 5V directly with oneThe three-end regulator 7805 can be completed, and the output and input terminals are connected with a capacitor filter. 7805 Three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit, electronic products, the common three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit has a positive voltage output of 78 ×× series and negative voltage output of 79×× series. As the name suggests, the three-terminal IC refers to this type of integrated circuit for voltage regulation, with only three pin outputs, which are input, ground and output.

6, there may not be such a large conversion chip. The DC regulator block 7805 can stabilize DC from 12 volts to 5 volts, and the current is 1 amp. If you really want a 5 volt 5 amp power supplySimple road, good pressure regulation effect.

DPA423 costs a little more, but the circuit is simple and debugging is simple. UC3842 circuit is more classic, but the peripheral circuit is slightly more, debugging takes a little time, but the cost is lower.

So DC-DC is a good method. It is not the high-frequency transformer mentioned above, for direct current DC and the voltage is not higher than 36V, only the ordinary I-type inductor can be used, just pay attention to the inductance flow and inductance. MC33063 MC33067 Look at the specifications and you'll see. There are circuit diagrams. If you don't understandYou can ask again. You can use the BUCK circuit inside as a reference.

It is not necessary to use tantalum capacitors, and there is no large capacity. Aluminum electrolysis is sufficient. If the output is divided into two ways, it is much simpler not to isolate, available LA6350, compound 3DD15 (or similar) inductance 300 microhengs, frequency 300K output capacitance 1000 micromethod, and sampling adjustable input. 5-12V10A.

5V DC power supply, which voltage regulator chip precision is relatively high, corrugatedRelatively small?

1, recommend a high-precision high-current voltage regulator power supply composed of LM338 as shown in the figure is a high-precision high-current voltage regulator power circuit. The circuit uses the rated output current of 5A three-terminal voltage regulator LM338 to make high current adjustable voltage regulator power supply. Its characteristics are: (1) the output current is large. The rated current is 5A and the maximum allowable peak current is 7A. (2) Simple circuit. (3) The voltage adjustment rate can reach 0.012%N and the drift can reach 0.0005V/H.

2, check the dc-dc converter to go, 7805 is not goodThis one is more suitable for you: In order to avoid advertising suspicion or advertising effect, just say the parameters: nominal input to adapt to the input current Nominal output minimum current maximum current maximum power 12 9 ~ 18 1028ma 5v 200ma 2000ma 10w 4 section series as input. 7805 can't do it.

3, integrated all pulse width modulation circuit. The chip has a built-in linear sawtooth oscillator and only two external oscillating elements (one resistor and one capacitor). Built-in error amplifier. Built-in 5V reference voltage source. tunableTotal dead zone time. The built-in power transistor provides a drive capacity of 500mA. Push or pull two output modes.

LM2596 Regulator chip application circuit diagram

1. This is the schematic diagram of a DC-DC conversion circuit of LM2596-5. It is a 5V fixed voltage version of the LM2596 series. The built-in resistance divider is directly connected with pin 4, and the peripheral voltage output terminal is directly connected to sample the output voltage. In the actual design, it is necessary to pay attention to the heat dissipation and large current circuit of the ICKeep the path as short and thick as possible. The inductor L should also be as close to the output of the IC as possible.

2, using the LM2596T-12 chip, you can output positive and negative 12V voltage by connecting the corresponding regulator block. The positive 12V output terminal is connected to the 7806 three-terminal regulator block, which is converted into positive 6V voltage; The negative 12V output terminal is connected to the 7906 three-terminal regulator block and converted to a negative 6V voltage. The circuit design recommends an input voltage of up to 40V to achieve an output voltage of 12V and an output current of 3A.

3, the LM2596 regulator chip has a variety of output voltage options, including 3V, 5V, 12V and adjustable (ADJ), the maximum output voltage can reach 37V. The chip supports two operating modes: low power mode and normal mode, and can be switched by external control signals. The working mode control adopts TTL level compatibility, which is convenient to integrate with digital logic circuit.