官田无线充工厂ichaiyang 2024-06-29 11:11 37
1, Basic form of land system in ancient China 1. Land in ancient ChinaThere are two main types of ownership: slavery ownership and feudal land ownership. The former refers to the...

Guantian Wireless Charger Factory (Wireless Charger factory)

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Basic form of land system in ancient China

1. Land in ancient ChinaThere are two main types of ownership: slavery ownership and feudal land ownership. The former refers to the land ownership based on the relationship of slavery and exploitation. It gradually formed in the process of the collapse of the land public ownership of the clan or village community in the primitive society. The basic characteristics are that slave owners occupy land and slaves Guantian wireless factory , and occupy all the production of slaves Guantian wireless factory , slaves have no personal freedom, subject to the absolute domination of the slave owner.

2, Xia ShangxiZhou : All land belongs to the state (state ownership, because the cultivated land is very regular, become a square shape, shape "well" word, so this land system is called the well field system) Spring and Autumn and Warring States: the well field system disintegrated, feudal land private ownership was established. (594 BC, the State of Lu first recognized the legitimacy of private land, and in the Warring States Period, the Shang Yang Reform of the State of Qin established the feudal private land ownership in the form of law. (3) Ming and Qing Dynasties: tenant system was popularized throughout the country and became the main form of rural economy. Land rent form: servitude- Physical goods (Song) - money (Ming and Qing) farmers and employees autonomy initiative increased. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China (1840-1924), feudal land ownership was the main body (until 1952). Landlord land ownership Among the three forms of feudal land ownership, landlord land ownership is the dominant position, it is the basis of feudal production relations. It is by virtue of the monopoly of land that the landlord class forces landless or less peasants to attach themselves to them.