毒液无线充ichaiyang 2024-06-28 18:40 38
1, What are the 13 unsolved mysteries of the world's science? ˃2, 3. Who invented what from nature? 4. What strange animals have humans found on alien planets? 5. What should...

Venoms (Venom among us)

What are the 13 unsolved mysteries in the world?

Kuiper Belt Cliff If humans could fly in a spacecraft to the edge of the solar system far beyond Pluto, they would see some strange things. When the spacecraft flies through the asteroid filled Kuiper Belt,You will suddenly encounter a vast void, like driving to the top of a mountain and suddenly falling off a cliff. Astronomers call a boundary point at the edge of the solar system a "Kuiper belt cliff" because there, the amount of outcrop rock suddenly drops.

Third cold case - Gravitational radiation to be detected In 1916, Einstein first theoretically proved that gravity is a wave. However, for more than 60 years, no one has detected gravitational waves in experiments. Starting in the second half of the 1950s, the physicist Weber began to conceive of wonderful ways to detect gravitational waves from cosmic objects. In 1969, Weber announced that heGravitational waves were discovered and successfully detected. When the news came out, it caused a sensation all over the world.

The mystery of black holes: In 1984, scientists discovered that the Magellanic Galaxy in the Milky Way had a "black hole" that could be eight to 12 times the mass of the Sun. Still, direct confirmation of the existence of black holes remains an unsolved mystery. Detection of gravitational waves: Einstein theorized the existence of gravitational waves in 1916, and scientists indirectly confirmed gravitational waves in 1978, but experiments to directly detect them have not yet been completed.

The Colombian traitor collective disappeared, they 1Bionics Composition '> Bionics Composition 1, Although the ants are very small, but they have a great building capacity, although the surface of the hole is very small, but the palace inside is very large. If you compare the size of the ant's body, the ant's village is very large, and the ant's palace is even larger and more luxurious than the palace where the human emperor lives.

2, bionic composition (a) SenThere is a beautiful animal in the forest. Its name is butterfly. Butterfly always in the flower blooming place flapping two beautiful wings in the flowers flying, its two pairs of wings like flowers beautiful, flying makes people feel like flowers flying. Scientists have established a new discipline, bionics, through careful observation of creatures in nature. (1) The annoying flies seem to be unrelated to the magnificent aerospace industry, but bionics has linked them closelyMHM. According to the structure and function of the fly olfactory, a very strange small gas analyzer has been imitated. The "probe" of this instrument is not metal, but a living fly.

5, about the future I want to invent something composition about 120 words bionics is to imitate the structure, function and working principle of animals and plants to invent something, I also want to imitate the function of animals to invent something, everyone with me to see! Do you know the chameleon? It is an animal that can change into any color it touches, so it is called a chameleon.

6, bionics is the connection between biology and technologyEver since James Watt (1736-1819) invented the steam engine in 1782, people have gained a strong impetus in the struggle for production.

Who invented what from nature?

Nature is beautiful, we should protect it, it has given us so much inspiration, we should not destroy it. 2. Lu Ban, a famous inventor in ancient times, drew inspiration from nature and created many practical tools. By chance, he noticedA small tooth on the edge of a blade of grass, which inspired him to invent the saw. Lu Ban also observed birds flying, imitating its principle to make a flying harrier, with continuous improvement, can stay in the air for longer. The colorful butterflies and the changes their wings exhibit in sunlight have inspired scientists.

3. Japanese scientists took a cue from ant foraging. They developed a large-scale integrated circuit that mimics foraging ants working together to carry food, sending a steady stream of information from the nearest food source to the nest. According to this new method of information processing, it is possible to develop a new type of meterThe computer that calculates the patterns. 4. Lu Ban, a famous craftsman in the Spring and Autumn Period, was inspired by his observation of nature and invented tools such as the saw. Once, while walking in the mountains, he cut his finger on a kind of grass with teeth, which inspired him to make his first saw. Inspired by the flight of birds, Luban also made wooden harriers, constantly improving their design so that they could stay aloft for longer periods of time. The development of the helicopter was inspired by the flight of dragonflies.

5, from fireflies to artificial cold light; 3. Electric fish and volt batteries; 4. The windward ear of the jellyfish, modeled after the structure of the jellyfish earThe jellyfish ear storm forecaster is designed, which can forecast the storm 15 hours in advance, which is of great significance to the safety of navigation and fishery. 5. An electronic frog eye has been developed according to the visual principle of the frog eye. The electronic frog eye can identify objects of certain shapes with the same accuracy as the real frog eye.

What strange animals have humans found on alien planets?

1. There also lives on Mars a strange venomous carnivore -- Four-eyed tiger with pincers. As the name suggests, it has four eyes on its face, with very strong vision, but the eyes are like snake eyes, without eyelids. It hunts its food mainly by holding its prey tightly with its pincer-like teeth.

2. Chupacabra often attacks domestic animals, with a tube in the tongue inserted into the heart to suck the animal's blood.

3, Mars mountain col found chimpanzees, experts take a closer look, found what venom wireless charge ? Mars today is a dry, cold desert planet, if you know something about the Martian environmentEveryone should know that Martian mountains and chimpanzees are clearly not a basic fact with a scientific basis. 4. The Flatwoods monster is said to be an alien creature because it was first spotted as an unidentified flying object near the ground. This is the Flatwoods Monster seen in Braxton County, West Virginia, in 1952. One of the top 10 mysterious creatures: The Owl Man, which Orman first saw in Cornwall in 1976. The animal was spotted hovering over the church tower.

5, in fact, the "snail" here is just the surface of Pluto's nitrogen ice, itsThe formation is caused by receiving less solar radiation and extremely low temperatures, and has nothing to do with alien life. Above content, welcome comments! There's nothing strange about a probe picking up a bit of snail on an alien planet. You can spot any animal in a NASA photo if you want to. 6, in the sea east of Puerto Rico, the United States Navy found a "monster" during submarine warfare exercises, it is neither a fish nor a beast, but a "boat" with propeller, swimming in the depth of 300 meters, at 280 kilometers per hour, its speed is the speed of human modern familyI can't even beat it.

What should I do if I drown, get food poisoning or get lost in the wild?

1, under normal circumstances venom wireless charge , bitten by mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs Venom wireless charge , wild bees, caterpillars and other stings venom wireless charge , Centipede, leech bite/strong>, coated with wind oil, all-gold oil, or saliva, soap, that can play an anti-inflammatory, anti-itch effect; After being stung by a wild bee, it will cause severe pain, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. If the venom gland and sting of the tail of the bee are still found in the wound, they should be removed with small tweezers or pliers, not by hand.

2, food poisoning self-rescue: 1, pay attention to personal hygiene, eat raw fruits to be carefully cleaned, and the rotten part abandoned. Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet. 2, when eating out, try not to choose unlicensed "roadside stalls", but to go to restaurants that seem to have good sanitary conditions and strict management. itIf there is a bad smell during the meal, stop immediately and do not take it lightly.

3, the tongue should be pulled out, so as not to block the respiratory tract. If the drowning person's breathing heartbeat has stopped, artificial respiration should be carried out immediately. Artificial respiration must be used vigorously when initially blowing air into the drowning person's lungs, so that the gas can be pressurized into the atrophied lungs and the state of asphyxia can be improved as soon as possible. Generally, mouth-to-mouth blowing is the best.

4, drowning first aid measures are as follows: the specific method of self-rescue is to take the elevation position, the head is back, the mouth is above, and strive to make the mouth and nose out of the water and breathe. Shallow exhalation and deep inhalation, because deep inhalationWhen the human body is slightly lighter than water, it can surface to wait for rescue. You can also hold your breath and try not to inhale so as not to choke on water. Do not lift up your hand or struggle with it, for it makes you sink.

5, if the drowning person is in shock, immediately give artificial respiration. (3) For the drowning person who is too nervous and struggling, it should be avoided to be dragged, such as being caught and held, it should be quickly and decisively relieved, and then take safety measures, and then towing. For the drowning person who has sunk in the water, the first thing is to search quickly, and when looking, you should try to avoid blindness. You can first search at the spot where the drowning person fell into the water, or dive into several key areas of the siteQuickly spot drowning victims. (4) On-site rescue.

6, first of all, we must understand the cause of poisoning, the number of poisoning, the food causing poisoning, the symptoms of the patient and so on. Report the epidemic situation to the health and epidemic prevention departments in a timely manner. Arrange and rescue patients. Collect all kinds of laboratory samples, such as eating the remaining toxic food, vomiting and diarrhea of patients, food utensils, etc. To prevent the spread of the disease, immediately take corresponding measures after finding out the cause of the poisoned food.