细胞芯片ichaiyang 2024-06-27 11:30 56
1. What does the What does a chip in the brain do? 2, What are the common chip technologies for cytokine detection? 3, Biochip classification What does a chip in the brain do?...

Cell chip (cell chip term explanation)

What does a chip in the brain do?

1. The so-called "brain on a chip" technology is essentially a network of semiconductor wafers built by researchers with nanowires. When brain cells are introduced to the chip, they can use the nanowires as scaffolds to build functional neuronal circuits that mimic the interconnectivity of neurons in the brain. Once a simulated brain circuit is built, researchers can not only observe neural connectivity, but also study the effects of disease and trauma on it.

2. Modern technology has indeed made remarkable progress in the field of brain-computer interfaces, but these technologies are mainly used to helpHelp people with disabilities control external devices, such as wheelchairs or computers, or help doctors monitor brain activity. These chips do not have the ability to read or transmit thought content. Currently, brain-computer interface technology focuses on implanting electrodes to capture electrical signals from the brain and then converting those signals into computer commands or other forms of output. 3. If the trials are successful, the devices could be used to treat many mental illnesses, including depression. The chips are the "work" of scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Darpa is responsible for developing new technologies for the U.S. militaryM. Researchers at the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital designed the chips to use artificial intelligence algorithms to spot brain activity associated with mood abnormalities. 4, after the human body implant chip, it can be used to communicate directly with the computer, to achieve a variety of computer operations, it helps some disabled or frail elderly people, as well as temporary inconvenient movement of people's lives, so that they can take care of themselves. In addition, some scientists are exploring the use of chip technology in the treatment of difficult diseases and other aspects.

5, by implanting chips in the brain, it can help paralyzed patients regain their sense of touch and improve their sense of touchQuality of life. Although the technique still needs further research and improvement, it provides a new way of thinking and approach for the fields of neuroscience and medicine. Ethical and social issues also need to be fully considered to ensure the safety and justice of this technology. Paralysed patients could be helped to regain their sense of touch by having a chip implanted in their brain, a study suggests.

What are the common chip technologies for cytokine detection?

1, currently commonly used cytokine detection chip technology there are three main: (1) based on glassThe solid phase cytokine chip. The solid phase cytokine chip is a technology in which antibody dots are made on a glass substrate, the sample is incubated on the chip for reaction bonding, and then the chip scanner is used for detection. (2) Liquid phase cytokine chip based on magnetic beads.

2, analysis: The technology that can detect the molecular weight of cytokines is the protein chip method (C pair). The protein chip is a highly dense array of protein molecules as a probe lattice fixed on the solid phase support, when reacting with the protein sample to be measured, the target protein in the sample can be captured, and then the detection system can conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of the target proteinA technique.

3. Diversified strategies are used according to different types of analysis. For example, when analyzing drug abuse by competition method, the analyte will compete with the antibody and bind to the fixed site; In the cytokine chip, the sandwich method is used, that is, the cytokine is first bound to the antibody, and then the labeled antibody is added to detect the presence of the cytokine.

4. The new NovaPlex multiplex cytokine detection kit, which adopts liquid chip (flow fluorescence) technology, has the characteristics of high sensitivity, high detection flux and short detection time, and is used for the quantitative detection of human blood samples in vitroInterleukin, interferon, tumor necrosis factor and other cytokines.

5, and coated with anti-cytokine antibodies, can capture the cytokines present in the specimen, and then use another fluorescent coupling specific detection antibody, so that the antigen antibody to combine, and form a sandwich sandwich structure, flow cytometry can detect this specific fluorescent microsphere particles and its detection antibody with the fluorescein level. Finally, through analysis, the cytokine components in the sample can be qualitatively and quantitatively determined.

Classification of biochips

1. Biochips can be divided into gene chips, protein chips, cell chips, tissue chips and lab-on-a-chip according to the fixed biomolecules and materials. The biochips commonly used in clinical biochemistry are mainly gene chips (genearrays), protein chips (proteinarrays), also known as proteinmicroarrays (proteinmicroarrays) and laboratory on a chip three categories.

2, including gene chip, protein chip, cell chip and tissue chip. (1) gene chip:Also known as DNA chip or DNA microarray (DNA microarray), cDNA or oligonucleotide is made by fixing it on a micro carrier in a microarray manner.

3, according to different uses, biochips are mainly divided into two categories, one is bioelectronic chips, for the manufacture of bioelectronic products such as biological computers. The other is the bioanalysis chip, which is used for various biological macromolecules, the operation of cell tissues and the detection of biochemical reactions. The latter class of chips is usually discussed in the category of life science instruments, and this paper only discusses this class of chipsElephant.

4, according to the fixed probe on the chip, the biochip includes gene chip, protein chip, cell chip, tissue chip, and according to the principle of component microarray core. Expression profile gene chip is a kind of gene chip used in the study of gene function. It is a kind of gene chip with relatively mature technology and the most widely used.

5, according to the different biological materials solidified on the chip, the biochip can be divided into gene chip, protein chip, polysaccharide chip and neuron chip.

6, a large number of information detection, commonly used biochips are divided into three categories