stm32芯片引脚图ichaiyang 2024-06-26 22:02 39
1, Microcontroller chip stm32f101c8t6 per pinWhat function does it have? It's just I have to write something, write it... 2, STM32 microcontroller minimum system how to draw 3, MC...

stm32 chip pin diagram (stm32 pin function description)

MCU chip stm32f101c8t6 What does each pin do? It's just I have to write something, write it...

1, even if the crystal oscillator does not vibrate, the chip will automatically switch to the internal high-speed clock, and the external crystal oscillator does not affect whether the program runs. It is recommended to run a simple program, such as the flashing of LED lights. In addition, the LED light is in PB3 and PB4, these two pins are also the pins of JTAG, and the system is powered on by default using JTAG, that is, if the owner wants to make PBPB4 as an ordinary IO port pin, the JTAG needs to be closed at the beginning of the program.

2, I can recommend the method to you, you can go to the reference material of this chip, because from the reference material above all the content of this chip you can find the role of their pins. After all, there are so many pins of this chip, and no one can put every pin role of a certain chip in detail and describe it in detail.

3, the specific function of each pin see the third chapter of the data manual "pin definition" table you use is LQFP64 package? Just look at the definition of the corresponding pins in this column. I can if you need a data bookTo send you) but the specific application of each pin function has to see the programming manual, also known as the reference manual. There is no way to specify every pin application here.

4, STM3 stands for ARM Cortex-M kernel 32-bit microcontroller. F stands for chip subfamily. 103 stands for Enhanced series. C Indicates 48 feet. 8 Indicates that the embedded Flash capacity is 64 KB. T stands for LQFP encapsulation. 6 refers to the operating temperature range of -40-85℃.

STM32 MCU minimum system how to draw

1, according to the different STM32 datasheet draw the pin, and then according to the function of each pin and the peripheral function you want to achieve to draw the minimum system and peripheral circuit is a single chip microcomputer schematic. Based on official documentation, of course. In fact, as long as the various functions of each pin (main function and reuse function) are expressed, the schematic is considered a "specification".

2, what we have to do is to use the development board of all the pin functions of the MCU. Let's get the order firstAfter drawing the minimum system of the chip machine, you can continue to add other peripheral devices. In the last article, we have already drawn the single chip microcomputer. I believe you have some understanding of STM32F103VET6. Power pin: VDD is the positive electrode of the digital power supply of the MCU, VSS is the negative electrode of the digital power supply, a total of 5 VDD pins, 5 VSS pins.

3, draw the pin according to the different STM32 datasheet, and then draw the minimum system and peripheral circuit according to the function of each pin and the peripheral function you want to achieve is a single chip microcomputer schematic. USB loading program should be combined with the single chip microcomputer, to refer to the specific single chip microcomputer loading requirements, I am using STM32F103, you can refer to it.

4, proteus simulation does not need to build a minimum system, as long as the crystal vibration and files are set up, plus the necessary peripherals can be directly run.

5, of course, is the reference to the official document drawing. In fact, as long as the various functions of each pin (main function and reuse function) are expressed, the schematic is considered a "specification". As for the specification of the graphic display, this also does not have a standard, and some people draw the principle diagramTo facilitate the division of connections and modules, some people draw the same pin ordering as the real chip, so the schematic looks very messy.

MCP23S08 pin diagram, how to use it to expand the STM32F407 IO port

First of all, this chip is SPI interface, the above manual has SPI interface description and CS chip selection pin, the following is the stm32 SPI pin description, you can connect the corresponding. Pay attention to your A0A1