1, Electric car charger sp1602 power chip with what to replace? 2, What is the sp1602 chip reference voltage 3, sp1602 Octet Chip pin Voltage Electric car charger sp1602 power c...

sp1602 power chip charger circuit diagram (sp1602 power driver chip replacement)

Electric car charger sp1602 power chip with what to replace?

can be replaced with top254. The electric car charger is a flyback switching power supply, because the switching power controller chip is more, it can be replaced with other switching power controller chip jumper.

can be replaced with 3842, but requires a little change in the circuit, can be used. When replacing the charger, pay attentionVoltage and A·4 (ampere-hour) parameters of the charged battery. When replacing the charger, the round-hole output charger can be universally replaced, and the three-hole type is not. The AC input 220V plug of the charger is the same, and the DC output plug has two round holes and three holes. The

foot (COMP) is the error amplifier compensation foot. The RC compensation network should be connected between the pin and the inverting input of the error amplifier (VFB) to improve the performance of the error amplifier. The foot (VFB) is the inverting input of the error amplifier. The feedback voltage is fed into the pin and compared with the reference voltage at the in-phase input of the error amplifier in order to set the errorThe difference voltage. The foot (ISENSE) is the in-phase input of the current sampling comparator.

The reference voltage of the sp1602 chip is 30 watts. According to the query of relevant information, the input power supply voltage of this series of IC chips can reach 30 watts, the maximum working voltage is 12V, and the stable voltage is 0V (5%).

VCC (power positive) : 3V or 5V, depending on application and design. VSS (negative power supply) : 0V or ground potential, depending on application and design. VEE (booster electrode voltage) : Usually a positive voltage, used to enhance the conduction of a PMOS tubeg>, the maximum operating voltage is 12V, stable voltage is 0V (5%).

2, the high level of the output is 15 watts, and the output source current voltage can reach 30 watts. Pin (VCC) is the power supply voltage pin. The input power supply voltage of this series IC chip can reach 30 watts. The pin (VREF) is the reference voltage output terminal. The pin has an output voltage of 5 watts and an output current of 5 mA. This reference voltage can be used to power an external circuit.

sp1602 Octet Pin voltage

1 VCC (Power positive) sp1602 Power chip charger circuit diagram : 3V or 5Vsp1602 power chip charger circuit diagram , depending on the application and design. VSS (Power negative) sp1602 Power chip charger circuit diagram : 0V or ground potential, depending on application and design. VEE (Booster pole voltage) : Usually a positive voltage, used to enhance the PMOS sp1602 power chip charger circuitThe conductivity of the graph . The exact number depends on the application and design. VGS (gate voltage) : Usually negative voltage, used to control the on-off and cutoff of PMOS tubes. The exact number depends on the application and design.