可编程芯片ichaiyang 2024-06-23 2:31 41
1, 8255: programmable parallel interface chip 2, Domestic fpga manufacturers (domestic FPGA manufacturers (domestic leading programmable logic chip manufacturers _ Baidu... 3, Pr...

Programmable chip (Programmable chip principle)

8255: Programmable parallel interface chip

is a member of the INTEL series of chips and a leader in parallel interface chips. It is easy to set the working mode of the chip through the software, and when using the 8255A to connect external devices, usually no additional external circuits are required, simple and efficient. The 8255 is a powerful programmable parallel interface chip that can help you better control external devices and make your programming path smoother.

Intel 8255A, a classic programmable parallel I/O interface chip,Its unique design reveals the charm of parallel interface. This chip is composed of four key parts: Data bus buffer: as the core of data transmission, ensure the smooth flow of high-speed data.

Chinese name: 8255A Chip Model: 8255 Improved model: 8255A and 8255A-5 Versatility: 8255A chip Intel 8086/8088 series Programmable Peripheral Interface circuit (PPI), model 8255 (improved 8255A and 8255A-5), with 24 input/output pins, programmable universal parallel input/output interface circuit.

Intel 8255A is a general programmable parallel interface chip, it has three parallel I/O ports, and can be programmed to set a variety of working modes, low price, easy to use, can be directly connected with the Intel series of chips, has a wide range of applications in small and medium-sized systems.

A0_8255 EQU P2; A1_8255; A1, A0: address selection line,Used to select the 8255 PA port, PB port, PC port and control register. ; When A1=0 and A0=0, the PA port is selected. When A1=0 and A0=1, PB port is selected. When A1=1 and A0=0, the PC port is selected. When A1= A0=1, the control register is selected.

Because port A is the output of mode 0 and port B is the input of mode 0, the control word is 10000010B = 82H Initializer MOV AL, 82H MOV DX, 24FH OUT DX, AL with 8255 informationSome companies began to develop and produce FPGA chips. After years of efforts, domestic FPGA manufacturers have gradually accumulated rich technical experience and production capacity.

2, the leader in the field of domestic FPGA -- Anlu Technology: leading technology, strong domestic substitution trend/deep cultivation in the field of FPGA for more than ten years, Anlu technology with its deep heritage, has a rich product matrix, including ELF, EAGLE, PHOENIX and FPSoC series, across the broad market from low power consumption to high performance. Self-developed EDA software - TangDynasty and FutureDynasty, demonstrating the company's autonomous control in the field of technology.

3, domestic FPGA chip manufacturers have made significant development in recent years, of which Unigroup Tongchuang, Anlu Technology, Gaoyun Semiconductor, Fudan Micro electricity and so on are the industry leaders. These companies have a good performance in FPGA chip design, research and development, production and sales, promoting the development of the domestic FPGA industry. First of all, as a subsidiary of Unigroup Group, Unigroup Tongchuang has deep technical accumulation in the field of FPGA.

4, Ziguang Tongchuang: as a countryThe leader in FPGA production, Unigroup offers three different positioning series. First of all, the Titan series (PGT180) is a high-end product, using a 40nm process, integrated 170K LUTs (equivalent), including 9Mbit RAM and dual-port RAM support, and advanced resources such as DDR high-speed Serdes for applications requiring high performance and complex features.

Programmable chip working principle

First, for example, a 128K programmable chip 's memory chip Programmable chip , each bit of it has an address, the corresponding location of the thing stored is on or not on, that is, 0 or 1. As for how to change the conduction state through the program, the simplest way is to switch on when the factory is in the future, who do not want to switch on a high voltage to burn the memory unit is good programmable chip , which is the earliest memory chip that can only be written once.

The on-chip programmable system works as follows: Memory: 8051An on-chip programmable system has a memory inside it that stores program code and data. Processor: The 8051 on-chip programmable system has a processor inside it that executes program code and processes data. Input/Output (I/O) interface: The 8051 on-chip programmable system has multiple I/O interfaces inside for communication with external electronic devices.

Chip working principle 555 chip is a commonly used integrated circuit, it is a programmable multi-function timer chip. It can be used as a timekeeper, counter, idle switch, frequency/pulse width modulator (PWM), and vibrationA shaker. The operating principle of the 555 chip is based on analog circuits and contains three internal core components: a flip-flop, a flip-flop comparator, and a release comparator.

What is a programmable chip?

Programmable chip, as the name suggests, is a chip with a "digital system" that can be logically programmed, such as the highly programmable neural stimulation chip released by the warm core, which can meet the application and development needs of a variety of brain computer interfaces, which breaks the traditional stimulator only for professional applications, and contains Programmable chip 320 stimulation electrodes, open a wide door for the development and application of human-machine interface.

Programmable I/O chip refers to the setting and editing of its I/O function through programming, and the application of its hardware function is determined by software.

Programmable chip : a programmable chip A chip into which you can write a program and then burn the written program, programmable chip You can program this chip to do what many other chips do Programmable chip ; You can even write a program that does the same thing as the CPU. CPU: The central processing unit of a computer on which you cannot burn programs or convert them to other functional chips, but you can put programs in memory and execute them.

DSP One interpretation is digital signal processing, the other is a digital signal processor, to put it bluntly programmable DSP chip is a chip that you can achieve a certain design purpose through programming.

Programmable chip is a subset of microcontroller. Programmable chip is a part of MCU architecture, generally do ROM function.

is called FPGA, and the MCU is not a thing. Logic devices can be classified into two main categories - fixed logic devices and programmable logic devices. True to its name, the circuits in fixed logic devices are permanent, they perform one or a set of functions - and once manufactured, they cannot be changed.