芯片查询软件ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:56 57
The 5502M chip is a digital signal processor (DSP used for things like audio and speech processing. According to the data book, its pin functions are as follows:1. PIN1 to PIN4: p...

5502m chip pin function?

The 5502M chip is a digital signal processor (DSP) used for things like audio and speech processing. According to the data book, its pin functions are as follows:

1. PIN1 to PIN4: pins associated with the system clock.

2. PIN5 to PIN8: Pins related to I\/O ports, which can be controlled by software for input and output operations.

3. PIN9 to PIN11: Pins related to the DSP external memory interface, used to connect the external SRAM, ROM, or Flash memory.

4. PIN12 to PIN14: Pins associated with the DSP internal memory interface are used to connect the internal SRAM or ROM memory, or to use the external memory image function.

5. PIN15 to PIN16: Pins related to DMA control, used to control DMA data transmission.

6. PIN17 to PIN22: Power supply and ground pins.

7. PIN23: The pin associated with interrupt control, used to generate and process interrupt requests.

8. PIN24: The pin associated with the reset control is used for software or hardware reset of the DSP.

Please note that the above is only a brief introduction of the 5502M chip pin function, the actual application needs to refer to the data manual, and combined with the specific circuit design and application scenarios to use.

5502m chip pins have a variety of functions because 5502m chip pins are many, different pins have different functions, including but not limited to input and output, clock signal, reset signal, interrupt signal, chip selection signal, etc. 5502m chip is specifically used to process digital signals of the chip, the pins correspond to each other. Can carry out a variety of functions of the input and output, if you want to understand more, you can consult the relevant information and literature.

It is very rich and can be used as a digital signal processor and communication processor.
Where pins 1 and 2 are I2S digital audio data input and output, pin 3 is clock input, pin 4 is reset input, pins 5 and 6 are SPI control signal input and output, pins 7 and 8 are UART serial communication signal input and output, pin 9 is signal input, and pin 10 is universal input\/output. Pins 11 to 20 are multiple general purpose input\/output or composite function pins, pins 21 to 22 are DSP bus interfaces, pins 23 to 25 are interrupt and DMA request inputs and outputs, and pins 26 and 27 are clock outputs and PLL circuit component power inputs.
Therefore, very powerful and suitable for a variety of scenarios.

5502M chip pin functions are as follows:

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1. AD\/SDA: data signal port on the I2C bus or data input port on the SPI bus

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2. AD1\/SCL: clock signal port in I2C bus or clock input port in SPI bus

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3. INT: Interrupt the input port

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4. CAP: external capacitor voltage divider input port

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5. VDD: positive power supply

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6. GND: ground

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7. FSYNC\/CSB: used as the chip selection port when I2C or SPI mode is selected, and used as the synchronization signal output port when DSP mode is selected

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8. RESET: resets the input port

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9. CLKOUT: indicates the output port of the internal clock

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10. DOUT: indicates the digital output port

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11. AIN: analog input channel

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12. AIN1: simulates input channel 1

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13. AIN2: simulates input channel 2

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14. AIN3: Analog input channel 3

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15. AVDD: Analog power supply

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16. AGND: simulated

The 5502m chip has multiple pins, each of which corresponds to a different function.
The pin function of different chip models may vary.
For the 5502m chip, its pin function mainly includes the following aspects:
1. Power pins: VDD and VSS are respectively the positive and negative power pins of the chip, providing the voltage required for the chip to work.
2. Clock correlation: The chip needs a clock signal to complete data processing, so it has CLKIN, CLKMODE, CLKOUT and other pins.

3. Data input and output: data input and output through DTA, DTB, FS, LRCLK pins, FS and LRCLK are synchronization and control signals.

4. Interrupt and RESET: The chip pin also contains IRQ and RESET pins, IRQ is the interrupt request pin, RESET is the reset pin.

5. Testing and debugging: the chip also has TEST and DSPC pins, TEST is the test pin, DSPC is the pin used for chip debugging.
In short, it is very complicated, and different pins have their own roles in the working process of the chip.

M is the induction electrode, when the finger touches M, it is equivalent to giving the T1 base level an alternating signal, of course, it will be switched on, which is a touch switch circuit